1780 Tasting Notes

Advent Day 7

I really like this one! The first few sips when it was hot were all creamy lavender. Sipping a while later as it has cooled and I get more lemongrass. It’s reminding me a lot of the Lemmon Chiffon that a few companies had. Della Terra was the first place I encountered it. It tastes like they took that blend and added a little lavender. I didn’t intend to drink the whole cup tonight with it being so late, but if I’m not careful I’m going to end up doing exactly that!

After posting this I saw I have had this tea 6 years ago and had the exact same impression and comparison of it!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

Well at least you’re consistent, even if you don’t remember trying it the first time ha ha!


It makes me feel very predictable and I’m not sure if I like that! LOL!

Cameron B.

Ha ha! Well some flavors are timeless and I would consider lemon to be one of them. I’m sure you have other tastes that have changed! ;)


I miss that lemon chiffon blend, it was one of my favorites.


Are you aware that other companies carry that blend, Kaylee? The Tea Embassy is the first place that comes to mind. I’ve had it and it was the same as Della Terra’s.


I knew there was a wholesaler who still had it, but not where to get it retail! Thanks!

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Advent Day 8

Anise, yuzu and apple?! That is an interesting sounding combo! The star anise dominates the scent when steeped. It dominates the start of the sip too, but it’s not overwhelming. There is something behind the flavor, but I’m having a hard time recognizing it as either fruit. Whatever it is, I like it! This is another tea in this advent that I wish I had also had a chance to cold steep. If only there were two bags for each day like my other advent! This is the first tea in this advent that I’d be tempted to purchase.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

Yuzu and star anise together sounds very odd indeed ha ha.

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Advent Day 7

I’m playing advent catch up today. This is good. I love a good Lapsang. It’s strong, but somehow still light. The smoke is really prominent at the start of the sip and then fades out nicely in the finish. It has a bit of that leather taste to it, which I like. It is super easy to sip on. If I didn’t have two other top lapsang loves, I’d consider this as a cupboard staple.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Advent Day 8

This smells a little malty and like chocolate. The flavor seems really light on the sip. The coconut comes through as creaminess, but the cocoa part is pretty muted. I do like the malt flavor. There is something in this that is irritating my throat and it has a slick of oil on the top. I’m trying to ignore it, but between the flavor being super light and the tea causing irritation, I don’t think I’m going to finish this cup. Next!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Advent Day 7

Wow! Lots of hazelnut in this! This is the most hazelnutty tea I think I’ve had. The start of the sip is a little confusing, but mid sip the hazelnut flavor comes through loud and clear. I’m getting beet at the back of the sip, which I think is a user error since I just finished off a beet drink ten minutes before having this tea. The description on the bag includes hazel leaves. No clue what those taste like or how they are contributing to this cup. It also says there is some vanilla in here, but it must be merging so much that I can’t pick it out. I do wish that they had chosen to mix another flavor in here to make it more complex, like a fruit or something else that pairs well with it. It’s good as is and I’d drink it again, but wouldn’t put it on my shopping list.

ALSO…. How are we already a week into December?! I’m not ready!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

Agree! I felt like it needed more vanilla/cream to make it more interesting.

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drank Dozy Girl by Bird & Blend Tea Co.
1780 tasting notes

Advent Day 5

I didn’t get to this one yesterday and today I missed one from my other advent. I spent too much time away from my kettle… with PEOPLE. SOCIALIZING. Gah.
I really like this tea. Totally reminds me of Turkish Delight, especially the kind that a local food stall makes. It has a slight tang that could be the smallest amount of hib, but it doesn’t bother me. The rose scent is strong as well as the flavor. There is a hint of an alkaline flavor somewhere in the sip, especially when I’m sipping too frequently, but it isn’t enough to bother me either. The chamomile comes out a little more as it cools, but was hard to notice for the first part of my cup. Thumbs up on this one.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

Outside is the worst, isn’t it? >.<


It really is! LOL!

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Advent Day 6

I swear this is the same tea that was mistakenly put in the Earl Grey Creme box. This is a solid breakfast tea that I’m having with creamer, but it doesn’t have that extra special something that are in my favorite breakfast teas and make me take notice in a sea of breakfast teas.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Advent Day 4

I oversteeped and drank this on the go yesterday. It was okay and easy to drink. I’m having it again today although instead of forgetting it while steeping I forgot it after I steeped it and it’s almost cold now. It has a bit of a flat taste that I’m attributing to the temperature. It smells very malty. I get chocolate first on the sip and then some malt. I tried reheating it and then got distracted by earthquake alerts two minutes before I felt a slight rumble from a 7.3 a few hours north of me. Microwaving seems to have killed some of the flavor of this tea. What is the science behind that?! It was an okay cup before I nuked it. I think the combo of me and this tea are doomed to distraction.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Advent Day 5

Orange is the first thing that hits my senses when going to sip this tea. I get a little artificial honey flavor in the back of the sip, merging with the orange which makes the orange seem more candy like. The finish is all honey scent, the kind of honey scent that people who make scents and flavorings think honey tastes like. I’m a bee keeper and I’m a wee bit snoody about my honey. This flavoring doesn’t pass. What it does remind me of is this “honey” scented luxury bubble bath we got once when I was a kid that left us smelling faintly like this for a day. Soap isn’t a great association with tea! I like the idea of honey and orange for a tea, but the honey could use improvement. It is an interesting cup of tea that I would drink more of, but not buy.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

I never like honey flavoring either…

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Advent Day 4

They don’t have this tea listed on their website! Each tea bag has a number and I’m assuming it’s a designation for each individual tea blend. This one is 0275458. I’m finding this tea very interesting. I don’t think I’ve come across a peach orange combo tea before. The first few sips were dominated by bright orange flavors that hit the nose as soon as I draw my cup close to my face. It smells like orange juice, but the doesn’t have the bite like the juice. As I sip on and the cup cools I can taste the peach. It reminds me of Lupicia peach flavor. Very light, bright and candy like. There is something a little creamy in the mix coming out in the end of the sip, like vanilla to soften things. I bet this would be brilliant as an iced tea! It makes me sad I only have the one bag and can’t experiment. I haven’t been taking sugar with my tea for some time, but I could see the addition brightening and rounding out the fruit flavors well. I don’t know that I’d buy this at this point, but if I had a little more to play around with I could see it growing on me.

Editing to add that I found the tea on their site. I was reading the wrong part of the label. Language barrier mistakes.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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My name is Dustin and I like tea.

I’m an added flavor kind of tea fan, but have had a growing appreciation for plain. I want my tea to remind me of cookies and cakes with coconut and almond slices with a hint of chocolate drizzled on top. I want dancing ponies and flying monkeys shooting off fireworks! And no hibiscus. Hibiscus is the devil.





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