1780 Tasting Notes
Had a cup of this earlier, resteeped and am drinking the second cup now. I feel like the first cup was dominated by flavorings, like blueberry and maple. This second cup is more genmaicha like. The rice really shines through with a nice roasty flavor. It has a sweetness to it that lasts into the finish where a light maple and blueberry come out. I’m really enjoying this cup. I wonder what would happen if I did a first steep, a second right away and combined the two. Would I get more of the rice balancing with the maple and blueberry? I’ll need to explore this further!
Advent Day 8
This smells like hay when it’s dry. Not the nice warm type of hay, but the irritating green type. It’s the butterfly pea flower. They make such a pretty looking cup at the price of tasting like peas and hay. The brewed drink is indeed blue. Lemongrass has taken over the flavor, which is great, but pea flavor is hiding behind it and that fades to hay pretty quickly in the finish. There are supposed to be apple flavors in here, but the other flavors are too distracting. It’s not horrible enough that I am willing to dump the cup after waiting for it to cool enough to drink, but I’m not really enjoying it either.
I love the name of this tea, even if the two things don’t seem to go together. I don’t think I’ve ever thought of witches and then thought watermelon or vice versa. This cup is like drinking watermelon bubblegum. Or maybe drinking water in the first five minutes of chewing a piece of watermelon bubblegum. Watermelon Bubblegum would be a more fitting name, but that would have zero to do with Halloween aka the best holiday ever. I’m surprised that this is so fruity and doesn’t really fade into a sour finish like a lot of over fruit tisanes do. It pretty much stays the same flavor, just more faint in the finish. I kinda want to tell my tiny roommates about this blend, but then they are going to suck it all down and I’ll never get another cup. What to do, what to do.
I’m resteeping the next day and I’m finding it a much better cup! The weird coconut soap in two quick sips thing is gone and the flavors seem more prominent. Cinnamon is the first thing I notice, but I get clear fortune cookie taste right behind it. It’s a more delicate flavor than what I normally go for in my teas, but I’m enjoying it much more today. Need to figure out how to get the results of this cup in my first steeping.
Advent Day 7
I think I’m the only member on this website doing this advent. That’s a first! I’m having to add most of the teas to the database and don’t always have time or patience enough to find all the info on the company’s site and half the time there isn’t info for the tea.
Anyway… this is a nice cup of darjeeling, light malt with a little hint of floral from the elder flower. I don’t know that I’ve had elderflower before, but I’ve had elderberry and it seems very similar. This cup is okay. Nothing reaches out and grabs me. Eh.
I’m also having to add all of the teas for Moomin and Provence d’Antan ha ha, I guess you and I are snowflakes this year! :P
Advent Day 6.
They are asking for name suggestions for this tea, so the name may change at some point. It’s a spiced goji berry honeybush blend. Very strong on the ginger. I’m not familiar with the taste of goji berry and my one run in with dried goji berry was unpleasant. I took a few sips of this when my cup was hot and it was a lot more interesting then it is now just barely warm in my thermos the next day. I don’t have the patience to coax a good cup out of this at the moment.
Resteeped in the evening and it was pretty much ginger turmeric blend. Not bad, but not unique in the category of ginger turmeric.
I don’t even remember which thermos I had it in! The days all blur. I think it was one of my David’s travel thermoses.
My advent tea is a honeybush, so I’m saving it for later and breaking into some of the tea from my latest order that just arrived.
It smells great in the bag. I notice big chunks of curled cinnamon bark in the mix and made sure one of them made it into my steeping basket. It’s a little hard to pick out the flavors when my cup is hot. It seems like the flavors are very light and delicate with a prominent sweetness that I have mixed feelings about. As it cools I get hints of what I’d call fortune cookie with some cinnamon. Every time I take two sips close together the second one ended up tasting more like the soapiness that coconut gets as it ages which doesn’t make sense since this is a brand new bag. The flavors are still really faint as it cools and leaves me searching for cookies and chai. I was expecting the flavors to be more bold with chai in the name. It indicates powerful spices in my mind. I’m not hating this, but I’m not loving it at the moment either.
Advent Day 4
I had a cup of this yesterday, but was in a rush and couldn’t make notes. I recall thinking it was okay as I was distracted with getting out the door. It had a good sweet almond taste. I’m not getting almond at all in today’s resteep. It’s all cinnamon and maybe a little clove. I’d drink this again, but I don’t need to add it to my cupboard.
Advent Day 5
No info on the company website for this tea. It is a white tea base with mint and chamomile. It seems more like an herbal tea than anything. The chamomile is overpowering, the mint subtle and the tea non existent. Not my jam.
Advent Day 3
Dry this tea smells strongly of super potent ginger ale. This is labled as a pomegranate ginger blend, but ginger is the star here. I started drinking this cup when it was hot and it reminded me of a Mariage Freres green ginger tea. Walked away from my cup, came back to it cold and am doing most of my reflection on the cold cup. If I try really hard I think I can imagine pomegranate, but just as a slight tang. The ginger isn’t spicy ginger and has no kick, just a little tingle in the finish. It really is a super light non carbonated ginger ale. I wouldn’t say no to another cup, but I wouldn’t buy this either.