558 Tasting Notes
Too much Ginger bite hot. Really awesome peach flavor iced. Like this more than RoT’s black tea version.
Edited to increase the rating. I couldn’t when logged earlier due to writing the review on my iPhone.
Definitely want to try the loose version of this. I’m on my search for the perfect preblended ginger peach green- and the addition of matcha makes it sound even more than perfect… even though that’s not possible lol.
LOL I just noticed Elyse’s tasting note for ROT’s black version appears immediately before yours on my dashboard feed.
Too funny that Elyse’s was right below mine. This is really good…I may have to get the loose version if I ever see it in store. Not sure it’s worth an order for, but I’m surprisingly pleased with the bagged version.
Wow is this good! Thank you Jaime for sharing this with me. It is like drinking an exotic cup of cider. The mouthfeel is very similar to apple cider. I got loads of sweet coconut and a nice bite of ginger. The red rooibos isn’t as notable in this as in other rooibos blends I’ve tried. This is magnificent. I think this is the best non-hibiscus tea decaf tea I’ve had of late. Just finished a 16oz mug and can’t wait til the water is done to have some more!
That sounds good. I don’t often buy Teavana teas because their blends have so much going on… I guess I like plain teas better. But, I might have to try that.
LOL humangirl- I’m the opposite. I pretty much put everything I like in 1 blend (I’m the same way w/ sandwhiches and pizzas as well)… I almost died laughing when Frank @ 52teas came out w/ Kitchen Sink green cuz that is me!
Hah. I imagine I feel the same way in Teavana that my parents do when they go to Starbucks looking for coffee. “ZingyZangyBlueRazzLemonExplosion? Ooookay, but where’s the tea?”
You’re very welcome! I’m glad you like it. I’m hoping to get down to Nashville this weekend and get some more of it; it goes really fast when you’re brewing a pot every other night!
This is my first experience with jasmine pearls. With that being said, I didn’t want my first experience of pearls being stuck in a bag. I got out the scissors, snipped open the bag and poured the little pearls into my perfect tea maker. I poured six ounces of 180 temp water over them and watched them for a minute. Indrank that infusion while awaiting a second steep for 1.5 minutes. After the second infusion the pearls were fully opened and a darker brew was released. I enjoyed the second steep more as it was more floral. The first one was much too light. I think this is a tea I may grab to relax, but wouldn’t drink regularly. I am curious to try better pearls.
I want to love this tea, as it has great fruity flavors that I love. Thanks to the wonderful package TeaEqualsBliss sent me, I get to sip this tea. The peach is so prominent and the blueberry so ripe and tasty, also I can really taste the apple in this. If it were anything but a rooibos base I’d be wanting more and more of this, but as it is, I can barely drink down the cup. I don’t know when I became so anti-rooibos, as I liked Tazo’s Vanilla rooibos and Harney and Son’s African Autumn, but the smell is enough to bring my stomach to knots. I just can’t get past the floraly woody smell and taste anymore. UGH Rooibos Headache!
Maybe I can have one more cup before bed…I’m going to be running to the bathroom all night after all this tea.
Lately rooibos has me thinking of the cedar shavings you throw around your yard, but the rest of this one sounds pretty good.
It is one of their more puckery ones…BUT…I like to UNDER infuse this one! Maybe that will help a little…
Another tea sample from Jaime. I brewed this the same as the Tangerine, 3 bags in 16oz water and poured over 8oz ice. I added a packet of Splenda to sweeten this tea, although I don’t think it needs it, I enjoy my hibiscus teas cold and sweet!
The blueberry is quite distinct at the end of the sip, the first taste is the hibiscus, but the blueberry ending is quite welcome. I could drink this tea pitchers at a time. It tastes just like a handful of sweet, ripe berries, there is almost a creamy undertone to it. I will definitely be buying this next trip to World Market. I received a coupon for 10% off next purchase so I may be buying a few tins of teas there.
TeaEqualsBliss sent some of this flavored tea my way. I don’t think I’ve ever had an apple black tea, yet alone an Apple Mint black tea. This tea definitely smells strongly of mint, and a bit of apple. It brews up the color of a rich black tea. Taste wise it is right on as a delicious red apple, I’m not sure I taste the mint other than in the aftertaste. I’m enjoying this more than I thought I would. It’s a sweet fruity mint tea, rather than an IN YOUR FACE with mint tea. Thanks for passing some of this my way TeaEqualsBliss.
Thanks to Jaime I get to try another flavor of the Hibiscus Superflower teas. The tangerine is very bright and full of life. I made this iced with 3 bags to 20oz of water, saving one bag to try hot. This is so full of flavor I had to buy a tin myself. I found the world market near me and picked up a tin. I think this would be great with a stick of cinnamon on a cold fall morning. I think I still like the pineapple lychee the most, but this is a close second. I can’t wait to try the other flavors! Thanks for swapping with me Jaime!
Mmm, I’m going to have to try it with a cinnamon stick as well! That sounds wonderful. My mom sent me a text this morning; she’s already out of the tin that I gave her and wants me to pick up more.
This one is also good mixed with lemonade (and peach schnapps, too, if you’re inclined).
Woke up late today and allergies were kicking my behind. Decided on this tea from my samples purely because it contained mint. Mint soothes me when I feel under the weather. It didn’t lighten the blow of Benedryl to my mind, but it made me feel cool and calm. The mint is nice and mellow in this blend, but nothing special sticks out to make me want this over another minty blend.
Used 1TBSP to 16oz water. I wanted strong mint!
Oh no!
Hadn’t heard about this one yet! It’s been so long since I’ve placed a RoT mail order I think the catalog has given up on me.