I’ve been drinking some of my teas from Capital Tea Ltd. and have been pretty impressed with them (I really should write some tasting notes).
I have this one with me a work tonight. OMG!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I can’t explain what I like about it. It just seems to have the correct balance between a dark malty black, and a lighter astringent black. It’s different from most of the ones I’ve been drinking. This is way up there on my list of favorite black – like keep in your cupboard always.
Thank you yyz for recommending Capital Tea and this one specifically. :))
EDIT TO ADD – WOW – I highly recommend trying this at lower water temp longer steep. I just had a cup at about 90C for 7 minutes. WOW!!! Massive chocolate notes – zero astringency.
nice! i’ll have to mark this on my shopping list
I’m so glad you are enjoying them and specifically this one since you got 100g of it!