Mariage Frères Advent Calendar 2022 – Day 17
The satchet smells potently like coniferous trees, and not much else. Once it’s steeped up it’s clear that the tree flavour is coming from tree syrup – specifically spruce; it’s rich, sweet, and… tree-ish. It’s hard to discern the actual tea underneath the force of nature known as “tree” but, being a lover of evergreen notes and tree resin, I’m all over this anyways. Probably because of that overlap flavour with citrus fruits.
Also, can’t argue that “spruce tea” isn’t on point for an advent calendar! I wish there were more blatantly frankincense, sandalwood, or conifer-infused teas like this one for the holidays
Steep Count: 3 – the second steep is silky, almost creamy, and perfectly balanced.
Flavors: Bamboo, Bright, Caramelized Sugar, Citrusy, Evergreen, Herbaceous, Incense, Lemon, Pancake Syrup, Resin, Smooth, Sweet, Woody