I wasn’t very keen on this one with my first sample sachet, a few months ago. I’m loving it as much as my Yunnan White Jasmine today, however. My list of variables include: season change, longer steep time, older age of the batch, and potential mug and steeper contamination from yesterday’s Butiki’s “With Open Eyes”.
The flavour is sweet and saturated, like a banana, with some gentle melon notes. The jasmine isn’t overpowering to taste, although the aroma gives my nose a good kick as per usual. It’s floral and smooth, complimenting the cheese scone I just ate, in a surprisingly flattering way.
When I removed the steep basket from the mug I got some fizzy little bubbles for a few seconds. Hm, maybe I should clean my mug more thoroughly, or give the rest of the unused leaves in the sample a quick rinse before first steep next time!
Edit: bubbles were only on first steep, so quick rinse it is! I think I may like the second steep better, anyways. There’s a little citrus lemon to it.