Home – 7:30 PM
Breaking into my extensive Lupicia collection here. I believe this one was a Lunar New Year tea from this year (it has a dog on the tin so that would make sense). I didn’t realize it had green tea in it until after I’ve already brewed it. But looking in my tin, there are almost zero green tea leaves so it’s fine! Anyway, it’s supposedly a peach/apricot flavored oolong & green blend. I thought that was a bit odd because Lupicia already carries a peach oolong, though that one is more of a baozhong style. Anyway!
It makes more sense after seeing the tea brewed up and tasting it. The oolong is actually somewhat roasted, though the leaves looked rather green. So that does make it quite different from their usual Momo Oolong. The peach flavor is very light, though that could be partially because it’s about 9 months old.
I like the combination, it’s a bit unusual to have a fruit-flavored roasted oolong. I could do with a little more peach, but that’s possibly my fault for waiting so long to try it! The level of roastiness is nice too, it’s not too much. And there’s a nice light, sweet peach aftertaste with a hint of floral.
I’m not going to rate this one since it’s probably a bit past its prime and it was a limited edition that isn’t likely to be brought back anyway!
Flavors: Apricot, Autumn Leaf Pile, Floral, Peach, Roasted