This was a surprise sample in my swap with Tealizzy! She kindly included two extra teas that were on my wishlist. It’s been a while since I last had the Golden Snail base, but I do remember liking it (and really, it’s a Yunnan, what’s not to like?), so I’m happy to try this one even though I’m not a big chai fan. There are a lot of crushed spices mixed in with the base tea, though I don’t actually see any pieces of vanilla bean. Dry scent is very strong on the cardamon and ginger, which is not a good sign for me.
Happily, the steeped tea smells much milder and sweeter, and I can smell the vanilla and cinnamon now. Oof, the cardamon is strong with this one! A little too strong for me, as I don’t add sugar or milk to my teas. The clove is fairly strong here too, though I don’t mind that as much. I can taste perhaps a tiny bit of vanilla? And it’s a shame, the strong spicing is drowning out the base tea for me, which I know to be quite tasty. Oh well.
Flavors: Cardamom, Clove, Ginger, Spicy, Vanilla
I had the same problem with the base and I like my chai with milk and sugar, so I thought the milk was drowning it out, but maybe not, based on your review. Interesting!
Yeah, I’m not a chai person in general but I find the WP ones to be very strongly spiced. Which is probably a good thing for most people, but not for me. Teehee. :P
too bad you didn’t like it! i love strong and spicy chai. Cardamom is also a good sign for me too :P
I had the same problem with the base and I like my chai with milk and sugar, so I thought the milk was drowning it out, but maybe not, based on your review. Interesting!
Yeah, I’m not a chai person in general but I find the WP ones to be very strongly spiced. Which is probably a good thing for most people, but not for me. Teehee. :P
too bad you didn’t like it! i love strong and spicy chai. Cardamom is also a good sign for me too :P
i didnt like it with milk but a little maple syrup (yes dear) does the trick!