Yay, I have so many new and untried black tea samples now (thanks to Blodeuyn)! I was sad because I didn’t have any more new teas to drink in the morning. Huzzah! This one is first because I really want to try more Assams, although I have a sneaking suspicion that it’ll be very close to the Taiwanese Assams I’ve already tried, just based on the smell. But onward, to tea! The leaves are large and supple, definitely shorter but thicker than the usual creepy tree branch teas. Dry scent is incredibly sweet with lots of honey, along with cocoa and malt. I brewed mine for 3 minutes at 200 degrees.
As soon as I poured the hot water over my tea, I smelled cinnamon. Oops… I may have used the same infuser that I used for Snickerdoodle last night! :x Luckily for me, the brewed tea itself does not smell strongly of cinnamon, so I think it’ll be okay! Brewed aroma is very strong brown sugar with malt and sweet dried fruit notes (maybe a touch of cinnamon?). Yummm… There’s definitely a tad bit of cinnamon here, and I don’t know whether it’s inherent in this tea, or whether it’s from the infuser… Either way, it goes beautifully! This tea has a little bit of an earthy undertone, which I wasn’t expecting. However, on top there is a layer of lovely dark brown sugar flavor, along with fruit and malt notes. Oh man, I really hope that slight cinnamon flavor is meant to be there, because it pairs beautifully with the brown sugar. I suppose my next cup will tell me! :P
Flavors: Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Dried Fruit, Earth, Hay, Malt, Sweet, Sweet Potatoes
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this one!!!!!