Trying this one again with a shorter steep. The first time, it was delicious but with a little bitterness and I didn’t think it fair to impose a rating when I’d obviously steeped it incorrectly. So this time I lowered the steep from 3:30 to 3 minutes.
The aroma of the cup remains the same, a sweet and tart fresh strawberry scent among that refreshing “greenness” of the tea. It seems 3 minutes was the secret weapon because there is next to no bitterness in this cup but there is still plenty of strawberry yumminess. Trying it hot, it’s a lovely vegetel green tea taste with a mild but obvious strawberry flavor. I kept trying sips as I let it cool and the strawberry became more and more prominent, and it began to have the most interesting tangy effect on the back of my tongue. This really made me believe the strawberry flavor, and it lingered after each sip. I can only imagine how delicious this tea would taste iced – that will have to be the next thing I try. If anyone has any cold brewing tips, I would greatly appreciate your input!
Flavors: Strawberry, Sweet, Tart, Vegetal
I bet this would be really good cold or ice brewed, you’re right. I’m no expert on cold brew though, sorry. I’ve only cold steeped a few flavored senchas so that might work for this tea actually. Usually I do 2tps per 16 oz in the fridge overnight.
That has worked for me so far! If it doesn’t seem strong enough you can always throw in another tsp or 2 and give it another day. That’s the nice thing about cold steep- can’t oversteep it really.
Hope it turns out well for you! Makes me want to make some again soon. It is totally iced tea weather ;)
I bet this would be really good cold or ice brewed, you’re right. I’m no expert on cold brew though, sorry. I’ve only cold steeped a few flavored senchas so that might work for this tea actually. Usually I do 2tps per 16 oz in the fridge overnight.
So you use the same amount for a cold steep as you do for hot then?
That has worked for me so far! If it doesn’t seem strong enough you can always throw in another tsp or 2 and give it another day. That’s the nice thing about cold steep- can’t oversteep it really.
Okay, thanks for your help! I appreciate it. :)
Hope it turns out well for you! Makes me want to make some again soon. It is totally iced tea weather ;)
I do about the same amount for cold steep, or maybe a little more, depending on the tea. It’s something fun to play around with.