391 Tasting Notes
I’m going on through all the teas I have, trying to update my cupboard and see which ones I have enough of to send out to swap. I’m realizing I forget to log a lot… Oh well. This one brews up yellow and is warm and toasty in taste. I like it because its not veggie like green teas, not astringent at all, and it tastes like the tea we get at the restaurant. We took my dad out for Father’s Day and shared a pot of tea that tasted just like this, it is a good one to pair with dinner.
So this was nice and minty and woodsy, a little sweet too because of the berries probably. I cold brewed it too and it was pretty good that way too. Those long stick type things that there are so much of though. They are a total pain to try to get out of the strainer. I use the Lupicia handy cooler, the strainer is long and my hand is too big to reach all the way down. It took some chopsticks to grab those long things out the bottom because no matter how I swished water around it wouldn’t come out. It made its own little nest in there, twisted up and all. It was interesting to try.
Huh, I didn’t log this one either. This one I was so excited about but unfortunately I just couldn’t keep it. If I kept the taste of what it should taste like in my mind it did taste like it. It just wasn’t the treat I thought it would be. At the store, there was a butterbeer soda – very sweet, creamy and butterscotchy…. I think I thought it’d taste like that. Like someone said, the rootbeer is strong and not like the normal rootbeer you might normally drink but the real, crafted ones. The bite was too strong on this one so the rest after I tried it hot and cold went out for swaps. I do hate licorice so that may have contributed. Oh well, I had good swaps!
I forgot to log this, I think I’d meant to put it in but forgot so before i remove this from my cupboard…. It brewed up pretty dark. I like the balance of vanilla, mint & cinnamon with the vanilla and mint being most prominent. There was that odd Puerh smell at first but only faintly and then once brewed it was barely there. The tea had a nice smoothness and body to it. The rest of this is gone to a swap, on it’s way. I’m not sure puerh’s are for me or if I’m just not used to it yet.
I totally should have sifted this because it took forever stirring and trying to smash up matcha clumps but the good thing is that it took so long that the hot milk cooled to easy driving temperature by the time I was done. I used soy milk and it was soooooo good but maybe too thick so maybe I should water it down with a bit of water next time. It was a little clumpy at the end since the matcha settled so the matcha taste was really strong at the end. So I need to mix well next time… Or I could’ve added some hot water to draw it out.
This is a nice blend. I used a pretty low temp to brew because of the white tea, and other times I’ve tried white teas I think a lot of the time the water was too hot because it would have bitter tastes. This time, no bitterness! yay! It’s a mild tasting tea and the fruitiness is pleasant. The aftertaste is more flowery than while you drink it. The more try different teas, I think that white teas are too subtle and finicky for me to buy many of them. This one might be a good iced tea candidate though, it came out better than the White Asian Pear I’d gotten from Teavana that I kept misbrewing so it tasted like I’d added some toxic chemical in. Thanks to BrewTEAlly Sweet for the sample :)
My sister bought a little of this and told me she liked it so I should try it. I smelled it and thought it smelled like dried apricots? When brewed it did taste really good, not sure if it’s what most people would be expecting as I taste the black tea with a hint of sweet cherry syrup. I had thought it’d be like the sakura flower tea i had from Lupicia before but its not. It is still good, perhaps I will “help” her finish the package :)
Ah Strawberry… smells great. Like the Strawberry Vanilla that Lupicia does, the strawberry smell and taste are strong and sweet. I liked the strawberry vanilla better though since it has that added creaminess. I got the one sachet sample with my newsletter so I can’t experiment too much but I’m sure it’d taste pretty good with sugar and creamer too.