391 Tasting Notes
Thank you Nicole for this tea, from her generous stash reduction :) Oh my goodness, this past week has been so busy I haven’t gotten an earlier chance to try or do tasting notes :(. I’ve been getting home late and sleeping like the dead lol. I thought I could be coming down with something but I think it was wishful thinking so I could stay home :)
I think ever since getting to taste the ATR Brioche tea that I decided that I should try more almond teas. The taste I was expecting was different than what I got. The almond taste was sweet but fake, more like amaretto and for some reason there was a slight sour taste like sour cream maybe? It was ok but doesn’t make my future shopping list.
I totally had thought that I had done a tasting note on this, specially because this is my last cup worth of it but I haven’t seen it. It is a nice tea, mellow and faintly sweet. I can kinda taste honey and something fruit-like. It does stand well for resteeps and if I had more patience I could keep going… but I really don’t so 3x is where I end it. It’s a nice snack tea – goes well with my crispy cookies. They’re new products at the store and are like mini sugar toasts. :) I have gone to Big Island Candies 3 times in the past week to prepare for my weekend trip to Oahu and meeting… so I figured I should pick up at least one thing to eat right now. The cashier even recognized me today, promise to self: next meeting I will plan my buying better – either wait till the last moment and go once or spread it out to not all in the same week. Hope no one thoughts just came every day to mooch free samples lol.
Damn, steepster ate my tasting note :( I don’t want to re type but I guess I will a little. I was hoping for more fruity variety in this one but mostly got blueberry and maybe some raspberry taste. I was hoping to get some taste of passion fruit at least but nope. I almost bought a bag of it, so it’s great to have samples before. Thanks for the sample Laurent :)
I tried this with condensed milk and if this was an ice cream, I’d buy it for sure. Even though its a light tea, the taste comes through the milk and sweetness well. It’s a nice treat this morning. I had to chose this one because I saw it is on sale now at Butiki Teas so I was thinking about ordering. I’ve been really trying not to order anything but it is so very tempting… but I do have enough to hold off for at least a little while though… Who am I kidding? Everywhere has new fall teas. It’s only a matter of time before I cave.
My free Lupicia sample this month… This is nice and citrusy. I don’t really like real grapefruit, it has a weird aftertaste and is kind of bitter tasting to me. But this is good, it has the grapefruit taste without the bitter weird aftertaste. It steeped pretty dark green for a short minute half steep but wasn’t too strong at all. I like the aftertaste. I think it’d be good cold, too bad I don’t live near my Lupicia. I got a flyer in my newsletter too for a couple free sample bags if you bring in the flyer to the Ala Moana location, I wonder if you could pick what kind? I guess I could send my flyer to my buddy and get her to pick it up if she’s going… Why do we not have a road between islands? It’d improve the economy, I’d shop a lot. :P
Definitely a nice smelling tea but tastes good too. There’s no way to do multiple short steeping before work in the morning unfortunately so I have yet to try that way. Still this is a warm, toasty tasting tea. Even if I forgot it steeping while I was getting my lunch packed for the day it came out without bitterness. It’s tasty all by itself.
Whoa. This is STRONG. I made it for iced tea.. so even slightly more diluted than normal it was almost too strong. There’s so much of it too so I’ll be drinking this for a while. This is my first tin of tea from Damn Fine Tea, it came with a cute magnet and all… wonder if all the teas are so strong. Smells great dry and brewed.