391 Tasting Notes
Why is the weather so weird lately? Took a nap and when I woke up for dinner…. sssoooo cccold. So I had this tea with dinner. It’s nice and warm :) the caramel toffee taste is tasty. I don’t think I like it enough that I’d have bought a whole tin of it. It’s good that I got it from my amoda tea box so it’s more sample size.
Thanks Tea at Sea for the sample of this! I like it as it’s a pleasant green tea. It has a very green taste but in a way that I like, not in a grassy way. It is mild, or maybe 3 minutes is not long enough but I liked it that way. I can’t believe the weekend is over already :( it’s the most time I get to enjoy doing nothing…
My kickstarter iced teas finally came in! It feels like so long, I was going to cave and just order some from the website since it seems that’d be faster but here they have arrived! I picked this one out of all of them because – c’mon just look at the name… It sounds awesome, I would order it for dessert absolutely. Unfortunately maybe it just was not possible to live up that. It does taste really good but I’m not getting a whole lot that reminds me of a pumpkin pie crepe with vanilla bean ice cream. I think I’m getting mostly chocolate taste. There’s a little bit that could be the pumpkin and vanilla but if I didn’t know what it was meant to be I don’t know that I would have it figured out. Regardless it’s a tasty tea and I’m glad I got 2 bags of it and can resteep it one more time.
This was so insane. The story behind this is that I was taking suggestions for bonus flavors to create and then having people vote on their favorites. In one round, I accidentally concatenated two suggestions “pumpkin pie” and “crepe with vanilla bean ice cream and chocolate sauce” when I was copying and pasting suggestions to the update where I asked people to vote on their favorite idea. Well, this new hybrid flavor won by a landslide. I did my best to create it, but I think there might have just been too much going on.
So from the 3 teas I bought samples from Shan Valley Tea, this one is not so bad. Kind of faint praise, but I guess their teas are just not to my taste. This one had a very slight roasted taste so it wasn’t so green and seaweed like as the other green sample but that totally came out more when I had let it sit and cool. I really wanted to like these teas but oh well, I guess. And I can’t be too unhappy, it was cheap to try them.
Made this for the morning with half milk, half water and honey. My throat wasn’t feeling so good so I thought the milk and honey would help it. It tasted good but the mess it made in my finum was not even funny. It was so stuck it couldn’t even fully drain when I took it out. I hope I’ll remember to use a filter bag instead next time. I’m not sure I taste much flavor beyond it being a chai.
I like this oolong :) it’s got a nice taste, not really strong even though it steeped for 6 minutes like the package said to so I was a little surprised at that. I like that it’s not like some other oolongs in that it has that strong flowery taste. This is more that warm, toasty…is it nutty? Type of taste. It’s not too sweet so it went well with my chosen breakfast of cinnamon roll loaf with frosting all over it… So good and yummy. And now to clean out my tea stuff. I would drink a lot more tea if someone would just make it for me on demand :D. Thank you for the sample, Temple Road!
A New Tea Is Out! You’ll receive a free 10g sample of the Crane Monk Light Oolong Premium Tea for previously reviewing the Tiger Monk. Simply send an email to [email protected] to help us link your Steepster user name to your Temple Road subscribing member email address. Also, feel free to take advantage of our 50% discount offer, go to www.templeroadtea.com. Thank you!
I’m glad I got to check out the fandom sampler sale before all the sets were gone even though I missed out on the firefly one. So I got the Pokemon one and Sherlock. Some spilled out from one of the tins but I can’t tell which one but the box smelled good and it can’t be too much. I randomly picked out this tin and it’s pretty good. At first it was too strong with ginger and spice but as it cooled it was better. The cinnamon makes it sweet and I like the vanilla in it. Seems like it would be better with milk so I’ll try that way next time hopefully.
Yay, Spring Break! No students, no PARENTS for one whole week :)
This tea smells awesome and tastes pretty good too. Definitely nice cinnamon and apple taste. I made the mistake of drinking it with my McD’s breakfast burrito with salsa so the taste was a little funky but now that I’m done and ate cookies, definitely a nice dessert tea.
This is nice, it’s got a light citrus kick. Thanks to Nicole, for the tea! Definitely a relief from the tea I tried earlier, tasted yuck. This is a good one to have with snackies :) I’m trying to figure out what to eat…. I’m watching Man v Food and really want like 5 grilled cheese sandwiches. Even though the guy looks like he’s not going to make it, the gooey cheese looks sooooo good. My town needs a grilled cheese truck too…