391 Tasting Notes
I did really like this as a sample when they had it at the Teavana store and I had gotten the holiday box this christmas. I do still like it, it’s got a nice chocolate peppermint taste and the peppermint has a fresh aftertaste that’s good but I don’t like the licorice at all. I don’t like it ever really, not real licorice. I hadn’t noticed at the store but I definitely get it now. To get good flavor for me, I’ve found that this is one of those that you should do the heaping spoons and put a lot – it just tastes better.
I had to go to work early to sign wave before school started so I made this hoping it’d wake me up… and also forgot it for I don’t know how many minutes, so it was strong and super dark :) but not bad. I got cinnamon, cookie and a strong coffee like taste but I dunno if it was so strong because I over steeped. But it helped get me out the door almost on time. It didn’t actually matter because everyone was late today. I swear they said we’d sign wave from 7:00… more like 7:15… election year… so fun. I was worried I wouldn’t like it because I’m a little iffy on puerh but I’m happy with it. Now I want to try the chocolate strawberry one, I bought a bag of that too…
I really like this one. It’s got a nice cotton candy taste, sweet & fluffy :) It’d go on my shopping list if I buy more SBT’s for sure. It’s just that I have so much right now I don’t know when that’d be… which is why I’m not doing their latest kickstarter. I did the indiegogo and kickstarter campaigns and now have soooo much to go through.
This is a good banana tea, not sure if I like bananas enough that I’d buy a lot of this but it goes on my ‘maybe I should throw one of these in my next order’ list. So much banana, clearly that I searched banana fart instead of monkey it was on my mind. I would like a fresh banana, so I could add it to my peanut butter jelly lunch tomorrow. None at home though, and I’m not leaving to get bananas at this hour.
Yup, I need to either be more patient or train my tongue to be less sensitive to hot :) always happening.