This blend from the tea box advertises itself as being a non-caffeinated substitute for coffee, yet the main flavor and ingredient is anise?? I mean I like anise in general, but it’s a little weird in this context. I’d rather have a Traditional Medicinals anise-based tea than this one. Everything is ground up very small to be the texture of coffee, which comes out of even my infuser with the tiniest holes. This blend just makes a super murky cup that tastes completely like anise and leaves me confused.
I remember once I had a tea that had actual coffee grounds in it, rather than full coffee beans (which I’m fine with, I like the taste of coffee). The texture was so gritty, nasty, and off-putting, even with my best, finest gravity-well infuser, I had to get rid of that tea. Bleeeeeeeeeeech. I don’t know what made them think that was a good idea.
So much disappointment for such a pretty name!
It’s definitely not what I was picturing!
I remember once I had a tea that had actual coffee grounds in it, rather than full coffee beans (which I’m fine with, I like the taste of coffee). The texture was so gritty, nasty, and off-putting, even with my best, finest gravity-well infuser, I had to get rid of that tea. Bleeeeeeeeeeech. I don’t know what made them think that was a good idea.