Finally getting around to trying the last tea I bought from tea-sipper this summer! I guess this one was sort of an impulse buy because the listed ingredient combo is not really the sort of thing I like. It tastes like a pretty plain, mild black, but there’s also a tingling from the spices. I can’t taste them, but I can feel them! I added some sugar and milk, and it tastes fine, but with all the awesome teas on my shelf, I’ll probably give this away to a family member rather than drink another cup.
Yeah, this tea was never as awesome as The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy is, but what tea COULD be?
I actually never read the fifth one, but I have the set, so hopefully I have more time for reading this year!
Yeah, this tea was never as awesome as The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy is, but what tea COULD be?
Very true!
One of my favorite book series. I have all five books in the trilogy on my shelf.
I actually never read the fifth one, but I have the set, so hopefully I have more time for reading this year!
I know how that goes. I’m a librarian and never have the time for more reading! Pitiful.