Followed by 84 Tea Drinkers

Mastress Alita 115 followers

Hi! I’m Sara, a middle-aged librarian living in southern Idaho, USA. I’m a bi...

Leafhopper 102 followers

Since I discovered Teavana’s Monkey Picked Oolong four years ago, I’ve been f...

AnnaW 0 followers

Martin Bednář 108 followers

I am drinking almost everything. Tea bag collector who moved to wonderful wor...

Kawaii433 66 followers

Longtime casual tea drinker. In the past, mainly Matcha, Gyokuro, Sencha, Gen...

lizwykys 22 followers

Relatively new tea convert who discovered Mariage Frères online shop somehow ...

Shanie O Maniac 36 followers

HELLO! My name is Shanie and I love tea! While I have always loved various ty...

Kelmishka 53 followers

(she/her) I was an anxious child who didn’t like change, so when my parents f...

Izzy 53 followers

A British tea lover with the crazy idea that she can review every possible te...

Peach 13 followers



I’m an event planner who always has multiple mugs of tea beside me. Hobbies other than tea include board games, video games, cooking international dishes, science fiction, hiking, jigsaw puzzles, tap dancing, reading, listening to podcasts, and playing with my troublesome kitties.

Favorite flavors: dessert flavors, nutty, melon, mint, strawberry, anything rooibos-related.

Don’t prefer: Smoky, rosemary, savory flavors, floral (other than lavender), plain tea.

I always drink flavored tea, and preferably caffeine-free or black. I’ll try just about anything though! Let me know if you’re interested in a swap!

My ratings are kind of meaningless, but basically
90-100 pretty perfect
80-89 really good
70-79 good, but not the best
60-69 okay, but probably not for me
1-59 varying degrees of dislike



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