1024 Tasting Notes
My last cup of this sample this morning. It was a nice breakfast tea but I wasn’t overwhelmed; good while I had it but no urge to restock.
Forgot I’d run out of fresh milk prior to making this, but I did buy some almond & coconut long life milk the other day. LUXURY.
What other tea does this tea remind me of? Seriously, can somebody please tell me? I’m going out of my mind. It’s delicious and I love it but my poor memory is driving me insane. What other delicious white teas have existed in my life?
I have about two cups of this left in my sampler and I am already bereft thinking about having none of this tea in my life any more.
The bag says to steep this at 92°C but I never quite manage to do that. Also my brain is wired for delicate teas at 80°. Anyway, an 80° steep works well for this blend. There’s a bit of an oil slick across the top of the tea but I blame all the delicious coconut on that!
I still haven’t gotten around to icing this one. I might even try a cold steep for once! Gotta get some sweet jars for cold brews. My latest obsession is the More Tea Tea Bottle so no doubt that’ll be in the fridge soon enough…
They’re taking presales currently, my email address is on the list! I’m sure between the multitude of USA tea companies there are a number of similar products but sometimes getting cool tea stuff down under is a challenge, plus I am way too easily excited…
Haha! I wonder why it’s such a pain to get things there. Although, everything is easier to get in the US. Even as Canadians, right next door, we have problems. I’ve contemplated getting a post box right over the border at times.
Omgosh omgosh omgosh wait. What. What is happening in this tea!!! What does this remind me of!? I can’t even work it out and I’m going slightly crazy but this is DELICIOUS and I was not expecting that!!! GOING BACK FOR MORE
Aaaaaand the third and final Mr Earl April tea! Decided to knock these both over today because who knows when I’ll get a cold next? (I’ve just jinxed myself, haven’t I…) Though I guess this is called Immune Boost, not You Have A Cold Virus, so maybe I’m just helping steel my shoddy immune system for what’s to come. Actually that’s a good way to think about it. Drink on, Memily!
In any case, I was expecting to hate this tea. I expected a real licorice taste from the dry scent. But it translates really well once steeped and I’m happy to say it’s not the worst! Seriously, that’s good for me… plus any immuniteas do pique my interest, I really love sitting on a tea whenever I’ve a cold, they just make me feel better and aren’t illnesses all about placebos?
My mouth is lightly coated in olive leaf, I think (vague memories from mum convincing us to swallow teaspoons of olive leaf extract for colds), but it’s bearable and I’m nowhere near as miserable as I thought I would be after drinking this tea. Spectacular. I’ll keep the rest to see how it actually performs as a placebo, shall I?
Time for my second tea from the April Mr Earl box, and this one’s an oolong! Hooray! How can I like oolongs so much yet be unfazed by most greens? I’m a little baffled.
this is very nice. First steep water was probably a bit cold because I did it in a mug at work instead of my timolino (too hot, risks of tinniness) and the water cooled super quickly in the mug. Second steep was from hot water stored in the timolino for double the time. Third steep for around 12mins. All good. Good times. Yes nice. Not blowing my mind but very nice.
Haha I’m too much of a detail novice to even know the answer to this. I don’t know. I’ve just noticed that I like oolongs! Is it blindingly obvious what’s green vs what’s roasted?
Haha, well in my somewhat limited experience with oolongs, thus far green oolongs brew up to a very light colour – similar to green tea, and roasted oolongs brew up darker, closer to a black tea. :)
The other day I had some of this but I’m pretty sure I used water too hot (timolino at work and was too lazy to get the thermometer out)—it was not good. It also helped to enforce for me the fact that recommended steeping temperatures actually pay off. It amazes me, the difference between a few degrees.
I decided to resteep anyway, and the second steep turned out quite lovely. I left it in the timolino for a couple of days and now it’s cold and fruity and delicious.