How much DID you spend on tea in 2014?

440 Replies

My original budget was $600 to $700 (counting online, in person, and teaware – but not factoring in swaps) but seeing how quickly I’m reaching that and now also having a much more stable job, I’m revising my new budget to $850-$1000 for the year, with the low end of the spectrum definitely being my comfort zone.-Yeah, totally over budget now.-

Side Note: January’s totals were poorly kept track of so all purchases for the month are generously guessed. In reality, I probably spent much less in January than it looks like I did.

January Total: $130.66
Tea Desire $6.00
DAVIDsTEA (Samples) $4.50
Vintage Tea Room/Metropolitan $15.00
Cuppa’T Specialty Teas (Large quantities of blends) $35.00
QueenOfTarts’s Tea Sale (Including Shipping) $17.00
RiverTea (Including Shipping) $53.16

February Total: $27.20
DAVIDsTEA (Tea samples) $27.20

March Total: $0.00
All March teas were birthday presents! I didn’t spend any of my own money on tea! Hooray!

April Total: $93.60
McQuarrie’s Tea and Coffee Merchants (Bloom teas and herbals) $28.00
DAVIDsTEA (Tea and Teaware) $65.60

May Total: $247.12
Red Leaf Tea (Including Shipping) $99.90
52Teas (Including Shipping) $36.06
DAVIDsTEA (Tea and teaware) $42.80
Tea Desire (Restocking tea, and teaware) $39.50
RiverTea (Including Shipping) $28.86

June Total: 133.24
DAVIDsTEA (Infuser and samples) $15.36
DAVIDsTEA (Restocking) $28.56
Butiki $89.32

July Total: $115.14
DAVIDsTEA (Restocking, Carnival Teas, Teaware) $60.84
Tea Desire (Teaware) $25.00
Tea Desire (Restocking) $11.00
DAVIDsTEA (Restocking) $18.30

August Total: $103.56
Design A Tea (Sampler) $10.00
Camellia Sinensis (New Teas & Shipping) $37.56
DAVIDsTEA (Fall Collection/Tea Ware) $56.00

September Total: $114.95
Adagio (Hobbit Sampler and Restocks) $61.20
DAVIDsTEA (Tea To Go) $8.00
Tea Desire (Restock and Tea To Go) $22.00
McQuarrie’s Tea & Coffee Merchants (New Stuff) $23.75

October Total $283.24
DAVIDsTEA (Samples and Restocks) $43.00
Butiki (Last Big Order…) $135.24
Antique Wedgwood Teapot $105.00

November Total: $80.35
DAVIDsTEA (Christmas/Holiday Samples) $28.00
Tea Squared $10.00
Octavia Tea (Samples/Black Friday order) $42.35

December Total: $89.55
Whispering Pines (First order there/Cyber Monday) $38.15
DAVIDsTEA (Restock) $19.00
Assorted Group Orders (Verdant/Butiki) $32.40

Grand Total: $1466.61

I am officially now over budget. Oh well…

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MelissaTea said

January total – $35.90
February Total – $14.45
March Total- $15.00
April- $66.55
May – $3 at local tea shop (a very modest month)
June – $0 (I have had to make other things priority, but July may see an increase in my spending)

Total this year $134.90

(My budget for the year was estimated at $200. I’m at $22.48 per month now. If I keep going at this rate this rate, I will spend my $200 by mid-September and will have spent a total of $269.76 by the end of Dec.)

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Don’t want to know…way too much??? Over $700 for the month of june…july ain’t looking much better so far, only 5 days in.

I admit… I do have a problem. Please don’t judge.

Ost said

Not judging but that made me feel so much better xD I figure at least I’ll just work my butt off when I go back to work to make up for all the money I spent this summer xD

Ost, you know you’re not alone!!!

TeaLady441 said

#highfives I don’t want to be alone with my “crazy” spending either! :) Phew. Maybe I will place that Verdant order after all…

Lol, cavo, that was NOT meant to enable anyone!! Sigh, I seem to enable even when I don’t want to…having said that, you are totally allowed since it is YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!

TeaLady441 said

Hahah. Well I took it that way and spent $50 on an order (to get free shipping, and I used up my $10GC from the points rebate). #noregrets

Woot, woot!!!

apt said

whenever I think I’m doing bad I can always rely on you guys/gals

TeaLady441 said

Right? #highfives You guys make me feel like I’m normal!

That’s the beauty of Steepster…here, we’re ALL normal ;-)

Ubacat said

At least you are brave to post on this thread. I don’t want to know either. I have been ordering in too many teas! How will I finish them all? Do you keep an excel report? I started doing that since I don’t always update every single tea on my Steepster cupboard. The excel report gives me the full detail of all samples and full teas. I added a new column called “Date purchased” so I can watch out on teas getting too old.

There’s a reason why I don’t post on this thread. :D Honestly I don’t keep track of my spending much but I think if I did it would be shocking. Blissfully unaware!

Ubacat, no, I haven’t started a system yet, but it’s been on my mind for a while…but I know myself, I’m not consistent enough with these things…would probably become inaccurate very quickly :-O
But it does sound great!

Marzipan, the only reason I know is because the only stuff I bought last month on my U.S. Dollar card was tea!! When I saw the balance, I went, oops…that did not count other tea related stuff I bought…so yep, “don’t want to know”!!!

Dr Jim said

If you want a good way to discourage purchases, when you do your Excel report, add up the tea by weight. The first time I did this I was shocked to realize I had over 14 pounds of tea: at my rate of 1.5 pounds per month, that was nearly a 10 month supply.

I’ve also gone back and dated each of my teas, and have prioritized everything older than 6 months. My goal is to be down to about 3 pounds by Black Friday, then go crazy.

Oops: just checked my inventory and I’ll be lucky to be under 8 pounds by Thanksgiving. Darn sales!

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Dinosara said

July Update:

(Budget: $50/mo, total $600)
January Total: $77
February Total: $78
March Total: $41
April Total: $50
May Total: $17
June Total: $55
Running total: $318

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Booker said

I’m on a major belt-tightening effort right now due to some changes in jobs and income for DH and me as well as trying to sip down my cupboard so I will predict spending $200 this year, most likely around the holidays. So far I haven’t spent any money on tea, unless you count the roughly $12 I spent at Trader Joes a couple of months ago on some Chai latte and matcha latte mixes (do those really count as tea?).

Booker said

In October I spent $2.39 total!

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2014 total year budget: $450

January total: $66

February total: $68.01
Arbor Teas: $32.87
Butiki: $21
Harney&Sons: $14.14

March Total: $12.95
Bamboo Leaf tea: $12.95

April Total $37.64
Butiki Teas: $21.74
Bamboo leaf tea: $15.90

May Total $60.00
Whispering Pines: $22.75
Whispering Pines: $37.25

June Total $0

Arbor Teas: $29.50

Year Total: $334.10

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Sil select said

August Update

Budget: $600 Prediction: $1000-2000

January Purchases – 174.70 USD 20.00 CAD
February Purchases – 76.13 USD
March – None
April – 178.75 USD 106.80 CAD
May – 181.44 USD
June – 85.10 USD
July – 21.23 USD (single birthday order I allowed myself)

August Purchases

Verdant Blends Sub – 17.00 USD
Nina’s Paris – 15.99 USD
Teavivre – 36.00 USD (includes my teapot!)
Tea Gschwedner – 65.78 USD
Adagio – 17.18 USD
David’s tea – 50.00 CAD (includes the pitcher I bought)

Running Total 2014 – 869.30 USD 176.80 CAD

TeaLady441 said

Good job! :) You rock with your willpower! I think I’m going to ignore the Teavivre sale and not buy anything in August…

Oh crap. Unless you entice me to split teas from Chicago. (runs & hides)

Sil select said

Uh you KNOW we’re getting teas while i’m in Chicago lol I’m still going to try and keep it to smaller quantities (ie we’re splitting a bunch!) since i should be back in Chicago in September as part of the roadshow as well.

TeaLady441 said

la la la la la (I can’t hear you….)

Sil select said

yep… i blew it this month hahaha damn business trips!

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Uh, around 50 bucks. Lots of sample sizes for hoarding. Much of it went to Teavivre, Lupicia, and a couple local tea shops.

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Dinosara said

August Update:

(Budget: $50/mo, total $600)
January Total: $77
February Total: $78
March Total: $41
April Total: $50
May Total: $17
June Total: $55
July Total $17
Running total: $335

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(i won’t tell)

apt said

I saw you hopped on the Eco Cha pot deal…. and several other things


apt said

i can guarantee you spent wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more than me

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