Got my Secret Pumpkin package from Short Sorceress! Pictures:
Fully ignoring the little voice in my head telling me not to eat cookies received from strangers on the internet, I went ahead and polished off all but one. Tasty!
Half of the teas are Halloween-themed too: Della Terra’s Bats in the Belfry, Witch’s Cauldron, and Black Cat. Also Della Terra’s Carrot Cake and Autumn Leaves, and 52 Teas’ Ginger Pumpkin Cheesecake Honeybush. The Carrot Cake is on my shopping list, as are 52 Teas’ cheesecake teas. How thoughtful!
Thanks Short Sorceress!
How cute are those bags?! I can’t wait to see your reviews of the tea!
Those cookies are incredibly addictive :) here is the recipe if you want to make some more.
Is this open to overseas participants? If so I would like to join. I’m in the UK. :)
I just sent Brew a message to get in on round two … I’m willing to ship to you Kitty.
I would be happy to ship to you too darby. It may not be random but would be just as much fun. :)
I have no problem shipping internationally.
alright then it is settled. since there are a number of people willing to ship overseas, KittyLovesTea you are in for round 2! :D
So, I came home to a full mailbox with lots of treats. Here is a pick of the fabulous loot from
BrewTEAlly Sweet. Everything from a wonderful Caramel Oolong teafrom Della Terra that I am sipping on right now, to a recipie for Pumpkin Cupcakes complete with liners and little pumpkin stakes for decorations and sprinkles. It’s soo so good. Thanks so much. I can’t wait to get started on Round 2!
Adorable! Thanks for sharing pics :)
Yay! I am so glad you got it!!! I just wanted to send it in that cute trick or treat bag under everything but I doubt the mail man would have agreed! Ha ha
Oops. Sorry that I completely covered up the adorable carved pumpkin bag.It’s so cute :) Where did you get those perfect little plastic bags? They’re perfect for swaps.
I got them at michaels:) aren’t they great?
ooh am I too late? I’m in canada!
I can add you to the list for round 2:)
If you could please PM me your address.
I really need your address please and for you to follow me so I can PM u your secret pumpkin.
I’m loving all these pictures! This is so cool :)
yay! this is so exciting! I love seeing all the pictures!
Awwhhh I love all the pictures! So darling!
Love to join the list for round two! From Canada also~
Mine came as well! I think that is sooooo awesome how a lot of us got it on the same day:)
My Secret Pumpkin was Ellyn!
Yay thank you! I’m going to use my stickers tomorrow when I go pick up my pumpkins yay!!!
Received my awesome secret pumpkin package from Rogersck!
I will work on uploading pics, I don’t currently have an account on a photo sharing site/network but I might have to sign up for one just to share.
I got a Halloween Card, Halloween suckers, pumpkin pot holders and tea: Graveyard mist – 52 teas, cranberry acai – zen tea, carrot cake – the necessiteas, caramel candy apple – della terra, candy corn – 52teas, pumpkin spice – harney and sons.
You can always use a site like where you don’t need an account :)
Sounds like a really nice assortment, enjoy!
Thanks moraiwe. I had no idea about that site.
I was worried it was going to take a while to get to you :) Hope you enjoy them :)
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