Fall Themed Group SWAP! (Secret TURKEY!)

362 Replies
RogersCK said

To my secret turkey, the package I sent got kicked back to me. Checking with post office what happened and re-sending today. :(

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darby select said

To all Turkeys, have most received their packages? I have not received mine and the Turkey I shipped to over a week ago hasn’t mentioned they received theirs either!

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Depending on the country, the holiday on Thursday might slowed things down a little.

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moraiwe said

I just got mine today! Thank you so much KallieBoo! You literally made my day.


KallieBoo! said

Happy it got there safe and sound :)

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Still not sure if my Secret Turkey got theirs. And mine didn’t show up today.

With the holiday this past week it completely slipped my mind to post that it came in the mail. You even sent me my favorite hot chocolate, which of course I drank the second it came in. Thank you for such a thoughtful package :)

Well, good. I’m glad you got and liked it.

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Kaylee said

I didn’t get mine yet but shipping snafus and delays seem to be the norm this round, so I’m not concerned.

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I squealed when I opened your package. Pictures to come, but seriously, squealing ensued when I saw:

The cutest monkey (?) ever!
the heaviest turkey lollipop ever!

American Tea Room Brioche (!!!!)
California Tea House Tiramisu (!!!)
American Tea Room Red Hot
Art of Tea Cinnamon Fig
Justea sample
Teavivre sample Da Hong Pao (Big Robe) Wuyi Rock Oolong tea

and a lovely card.

I have been into cinnamon teas recently and I have wanted forever to try Brioche, so thank you thank you, thank you!!!

moraiwe said

I’m so glad it got there! Yay! Hope you enjoy!

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KallieBoo! said

Package came today! My Secret Turkey spoiled me! Thanks Darby!!! :D


I really like the turkey sucker :P

CelebriTEA said

Super Sweet!

darby select said

Yay! So glad you received it … Took a long time!

I got mine from Kaylee too! Thanks Secret Turkey! I especially loved the tea bookmark as I’m always reading.,

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Anyone check the crack in the universe for my round three package? I think it fell in.

Uniquity said

You can remember it, so it didn’t fall in the crack in time at least. :)

It came yesterday. I’ll post the contents after work.

Ellyn select said

I AM SO SORRY THAT I MAILED IT SO LATE. I thought my husband had mailed it and then I found it in his trunk. I then chucked all the tea that had been in the box originally b/c I did not want to give you nasty stuck in the car cold – hot – cold – stale tea.


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Kaylee said

We’re two weeks past the mail out date and I still haven’t received my package :-( RogersCK, are you my Secret Turkey? If not, I’m slightly concerned.

MissB said

I was worried it might have been me – I sent it quite a while ago, however I’m in Canada. I just checked though, and I sent it to RogersCK. I hope she got it!

RogersCK said

I’m so sorry Kaylee, you should’ve received it by now. I’ll check the confirmation.

Kaylee said

No worries, I just wanted to make sure it was on the way.

RogersCK said

So, I’m guessing it hasn’t arrived yet? Now I’m the one getting worried. I sent it 2-day priority mail. I gotta find the receipt.

Kaylee said

I found a slip from USPS alleging that they tried to deliver on Saturday. This makes me cranky because I was at home all day Saturday. But the good news is that now we know where the package is and I was able to schedule redelivery. I’ll let you know when it arrives :)

RogersCK said

Awesome. I am really sorry for such a long delay. I still have no idea why it got returned to me :( I hope you get it soon and I hope you enjoy the stuff I sent you :)

Kaylee said

Finally managed to rescue it from the post office! They seem to have ignored my redelivery request so I had to wait until today to go get it.

Thanks so much, RogersCK! This is lovely. These wax cubes smell great and there’s so much tea! Yay!


RogersCK said

Glad you finally got it. Just in time…for Christmas, LOL. I’m sorry it got there so late. :( Happy to know you like them though :)

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