Fall Themed Group SWAP! (Secret TURKEY!)

362 Replies

I have my secret pumpkin swap package all packed up and ready to ship out tomorrow! I’m soooooo excited! I hope everyone is ready to ship tomorrow!

Is this for round one then?

Yes the dates are posted on the first page. For the different rounds :)

me too! I’m excited. My husband was less amused. =p

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Ellyn select said

I shipped mine yesterday! wooo! So excited!

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RogersCK said

Package sent. I hope my pumpkin likes them :)

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Todays the day! Send out day! I hope everyone got theirs out today! I sure did and was so sad to see it go but so excited for my secret pumpkin to get it! When everyone recieves theirs can they please please pretty please take pictures and post them on here? That would be so fun to see! The revealing of not only who their secret pumpkin was but also what they got spoiled with! I will now open up round 2 for sign ups for the November 6th shipout date! Yippee! I’m so glad I started this…so fun!

Lala said

Even though this round is not finished yet, I would be up for another round.

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I shipped mine today as well!

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Kaylee said

Shipped out this morning. Already looking forward to round 2!

Yay, so excited.

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RogersCK said

Sign me up for round 2.


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KallieBoo! said

I would love to be included in round two!

Awesome I will be in touch!

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Ellyn select said

I am up for another round. SO much fun!


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moraiwe said

If it wouldn’t mess up your numbers, would it be possible to jump in for round 2? :)

Of course you can!

moraiwe said


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