Fall Themed Group SWAP! (Secret TURKEY!)
Yeah, this sounds super awesome but I’m just too busy right now!
What about starting a second list so people could participate in just one of the dates?
@Stephanie would you want to possibly want to take part in just one round? Because there is another person as well that only wants to do one round and we could include you both in the same round to even it out? If so what round would you rather take part in?
Is it bad that I ordered some teas just for this secret pumpkin? Please say I’m not the only one. ;)
Okay since no one new has asked to take part I will begin pairing everyone up. If everyone could please PM me their shipping address so I can give this to their secret pumpkin! I am so excited to start. I will have this to everyone ASAP along with parameters! If anyone has some good ideas as too amount/price/ what to include please share! And I will go with what the majority wants.
$10 price cap per round? Is that too high (or too low)? Excluding or including shipping?
Hey everyone! I’m just about to send everyone their SECRET PUMPKIN! Are you excited? Anyways, here is what I was thinking… and feel free to throe out better ideas. There is a minimum of $5 excluding shipping. You can choose whatever your little heart desires to include in this secret package. You can’t forget to add tea! Ha ha! 2 samples minimum (variety would be awesome). But it is all in your hands. If anyone has any allergies please please please respond ASAP with the specifics. Don’t forget round one is HALLOWEEN themed and the ship out day we are aiming for is October 23rd. I can’t wait!
And the games begin! Everyone should have their Secret Pumpkin! If there are any issues just PM me!
Could I maybe just do one round? All I can really include for now are a couple samples and some recipes. So it would be a small package.
I already have the order set for this round. I would love to add you to the second round.
Do I just send stuff to one person? If so, I can do something next round.
Hope I’m not too late with this request, but can we please set a maximum $ of tea to include?
I hate setting a maximum…it always holds me back. What does everyone else think? Should there be a maximum? And how much seems fair?
My only concern is say I sent $10 worth of tea and my secret pumpkin sent $60 worth. I would feel really bad about not sending enough! If there’s a preferred range, I think it makes it fair and equitable for everyone. That’s just my opinion anyways, we don’t need to do it!
I think it should be left up to the individual pairs to discuss if they want to make sure what is sent is equal. Personally, it has never bothered me if I send more to a person than they send to me. I just want my swap partner to enjoy what I’ve sent. I think swaps become less fun when we have to worry about setting min. and max. amounts.
Personally, I’ve picked out 5-6 teas and plan on sending enough for about 3 cups of each. Then I’m going to include an extra surprise.
Short Sorceress – I think that sounds good. I think it sounds good to go along with what BrewTEAlly Sweet said above in the instructions about a $5 minimum, but each person can really send as much as they want or are able to.
precisely :) sounds great! but remember your secret pumpkin is a secret!!!
i hope everyone else is having as much fun as I am putting their secret pumpkin goodies together! Happy weekend!
Wednesday is only 2 days away! I hope everyone’s swaps are coming together great!! Also, I was hoping that when everyone’s swaps come in if they could take a picture and post them!:) Its always fun to see what everyone got and how creative people got:)
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