Anyone receive their free Tea Ave samples from September?
I was cleaning up my emails and had completely forgotten about the offer Tea Ave made last fall for free tea samples. They sent out an update letter on 10/24/2014 stating the samples were delayed and would ship 12/1/2014. Did anyone ever receive them? The update letter is below:
“In September, we asked if we could send you a few samples of Tea Ave’s yummiest oolong teas. We were thrilled at how excited the tea community was to take part in tasting our fresh, delicious oolongs, hand-picked by us on our trips to Taiwan.
Unfortunately, since then we’ve hit a few snags in production that have caused us to push back Tea Ave’s launch to January 1, 2015. Since we work directly with local tea farms in Taiwan to secure the best varieties of each oolong that we offer—there’s no middleman—occasionally there are delays in production that affect how quickly we can secure ample quantities of the best stuff.
We’ll send out your tea sample package on December 1 with an email of notice; you should receive it shortly after that.
We want to wholeheartedly apologize for the delay and ask that you bear with us as we work on getting you the best Taiwanese oolongs out there. This is a learning process for us, and we want to do things right. We think you’ll love your package of tea goodies when it arrives.
Please drop us a line with any other questions or concerns. We can’t wait to share our favorite teas with you."
I haven’t yet received them. I checked their website, and it looks like they moved up launch another month to maybe February 1st? They are also on Instagram, but I haven’t heard anything.
At least I’m not crazy. I can’t complain if they never send them (free is nice after all), I was mostly curious. :)
I haven’t received mine either. I did receive the email that says ‘sorry for the snag’ similar to what you received.
I asked them. They’ve been effected by the Port strike so they are missing some of their products.
Their website countdown actually reset /twice/ (I’ve been spying). I was wondering what was up. I didn’t take part in samples because I wanted to get through what I already had. Here’s hoping they can work through their snag.
i follow them on IG. they keep postponing launching their website. must be some delays. they were very nice sending email apologising.
I received an e-mail from them last night about this, explaining the delays. Honestly, I thought it was just a scam, but I’m impressed that they followed up. I am guessing that someone from Tea Ave checks Steepster. :)
I got an email saying that the samples are to be shipped out now and should arrive within 5 to 7 business days, they are going to be yummy too :)
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