Anyone receive their free Tea Ave samples from September?

116 Replies
Frolic select said

Oh and does anyone have and tips or tricks on using the aroma cup? I’ve read up on it and think I know what I’m doing but any additional guidance from more experienced people would be great.

Tealizzy said

Check this video out:

It’s helpful! :)

Ubacat said

Thanks for the link!

Thanks for the link. Very informative! I hadn’t been letting the cup sit long enough before smelling.

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sherubtse said

Has anyone tries the teas yet? The teaware is great, but let’s see how the teas taste. I did notice that they have placed lots of excellent info on the sample packages — the only omission being date of harvest.

It will also be quite interesting to see how they price the teas once the site is up-and-running.

Best wishes,

Uniquity said

I haven’t received mine yet, but I’ve read the reviews above. It will be interesting to see how this develops.

Anlina said

Not yet. I’m waiting till I can actually sit down and pay attention to the teas, since the samples are small.

The osmanthus was delicious!

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I received mine today! The samples are Osmanthus, Rose, and Oriental Beauty. I’m really quite excited about this…
Actually, I ordered a really inexpensive mini glass pitcher from amazon that will arrive by Friday, just so that I can use the aroma and sipping cups properly (let’s be honest…I don’t have the grace to pour my gaiwan into that sipping cup…lol).
So excited to try these teas, and absolutely blown away by the elegance of the packaging.

Ubacat said

I did it (pouring from the gaiwan into the sipping cup) but I wasn’t graceful. ;-)

Ubacat, I bow down to you. That takes some serious skill. I don’t think I’d get half of the liquor actually IN the cup… lol

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My sets arrived today. I don’t remember if we had a choice of samples, I was thinking we did, but I ended up with Jasmine Oolong, Ginger lily oolong, and rose oolong. Not what I’d expect myself to have requested, LOL.

The tasting set is adorable, & I’m also contemplating who to give the 2nd sample set to.

sherubtse said

They must have asked us (though I have no recollection of that happening), as I received samples of those teas that I would have chosen had I been given the chance.

Best wishes,

Anlina said

I don’t recall being asked, and the teas I received are not the ones I would have requested given a range of options.

I went back to check my Steepster messages, because I know I didn’t request anything specific – they had me fill out a form, and on it I could mention what my tea preference was. Seeing it made me remember that I said my preference was flavoured tea (’cause at the time it was) – hence why my samples were all flavoured/scented.

I imagine if you didn’t put anything then they’d have just sent random samples?

Ubacat said

Mine were all light oolongs. Something I would have chosen given the chance.

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boychik said

I received my sets today. I knew what to expect due to other members mentioning it but anyway it’s completely amazing generous and gorgeous , not one but two ! And $15 gift cards. Just wow. Thank you so much Teaave!
I got Dong Ding, Ginger Lily and Cape Jasmine Oolong. I got some pics on Instagram but dont know if I should post them. Some ppl still didn’t get it

Waiting on mine still but I’d love to see the pics!

boychik said

Ty :D

Love the pics, boychik! (…I need Instagram just so I can follow you… your Instagram feed is BEAUTIFUL!!!)

Uniquity said

I don’t have an instagram account but I LOVE seeing the tea photos so many Steepsterites share.

I agree, Uniquity! I’m so glad that people share their photos here. I’m still the ‘memory card to computer’ type photo person, so I’m not quite ready for Instagram. lol

MzPriss said

How did I miss this?

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Got my set today! I was sooo taken by surprise! I haven’t been on Steepster in a bit so I didn’t know what was coming!

Note: The $15 isn’t a true “gift card” in my opinion since you have to spend $75 to use it. Not a complaint, just a heads up to others :)

Kittenna said

Yikes, that’s pretty steep.

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Does anyone have a rough idea of when they might open their doors to the general public? I missed the initial offer (sob), but I’m really interested in an oolong-only store, and their packaging looks fantastic.

On Instagram they said March 1.

cookies said

Wondering the same. Bummed I missed the free samples but I’d love to buy some myself. Their packaging is lovely and the reviews seem positive.

@Beorhthraefn – I got two ‘sets’ with my shipment and one will be offered in a giveaway on our blog. So, keep your eyes open for our blog post in a couple of days where I’ll be reviewing one of the teas and offering one of the gift sets to the readers!

Wow, but you guys are quick. <3 Edit: My individual replies keep getting eaten? What’s up, Steepster?

@madametj: Oh, see, I wouldn’t even have thought to check instagram. Thank you! That’s not too far away.

@cookies: My sentiments exactly. I’ve been looking to replenish my oolong supply, anyway, and they have some really unique-sounding offerings. I’m all over that.

@LiberTEAS: I’ll definitely keep an eye out! Thank you for letting me know.

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I received my package today! It’s beautiful! I’ll be posting about it on SororiTea Sisters in a couple of days!

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Mine arrived today – TGY, Oriental Beauty and Jasmine Oolong.

So happy I got more TGY – I had their TGY already in tea bag form and it was amazing! Already plotting to buy more with that gift card.

Skysamurai said

Same for me! I wanted to cry this is like a birthday gift! Amazing!

Uniquity said

Getting so jealous!

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Mine arrived yesterday I tried all the samples and managed to not burn the bejesus out of myself at all with the aroma cup. WIN! I really enjoyed the Ginger Lily and Dong Ding, but omg I am blown away by the Cape Jasmine, mixing Jin Xuan with Jasmine is pure genius (I am very teadrunk at the moment)

Ah, I really needed that box yesterday, it arrived with perfect timing. Though I might be a bad blogger since instead of doing a giveaway (I didn’t even think of that! Clever LiberTEAS!) I am giving it to my mom who might be as obsessed with oolong as me.

Also agree with the assessment that the packaging is awesome, I love how sleek it is.

I don’t think it is bad to give the set to someone in your life who will appreciate it. That’s what I plan to do. Just because you have a (wonderful) blog, doesn’t mean your mother doesn’t deserve a treat. :)

awww, you are a sweetheart! Thank you :)

I think sharing the second set with your mom is perfect! :D

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