94 Tasting Notes
So I tried the tea by itself today. The color is nice and promising, but the taste isn’t really there, and I only steeped it for maybe 3 or 4 minutes, but already it was more bitter than I’d have hoped.
So in go the sugar and creamer, and you’ve got a nice cup for breakfast. =]
Tastes mostly like chamomile, but there’s something else as well, cause I don’t enjoy straight chamomile that much, but this one is nice. And I actually did drink it as a “bedtime tea”. Not sure how much it gets me to relax faster, but at least it didn’t keep me up.
Tried my first bag as a milk tea today. I ended up putting too much SCM in cause I was using up what I had left. I’m glad this tea is so strong cause it stood up pretty well to my overdose of sugar. I’m gonna hold off rating it until I try it by itself, but at least I know that it’ll serve well as a milk tea base.
I love Irish Breakfast tea! In my experience, however, it is rather unimpressive plain, but your version may be better than the ones I’ve had. Just a thought in case it doesn’t turn out great…I think Irish Breakfast is just meant to have milk and sweetener. Let me know if this is good plain though, I would have to go get some.
Still amazing. The taste of pu-erh just….warms your soul. There’s something about the feeling that lingers. It’s wholesome and comforting. And the chrysanthemum, what can I say, just delightfully sweet.
In a nutshell, the chrysanthemum is the mmmmmm and the pu-erh is the ahhhhhh.
made another soy latte today. i got frustrated that there wasn’t enough flavor and so my vigorous stirring tore apart the tea bag. since i would have to filter it anyway, i heated up the resulting cup to get extra flavor.
so in the end, it tasted pretty good, but i would hate to have to sift my latte every time just to get enough flavor. =/