94 Tasting Notes
So back when I wrote a note for regular stash chai, I remember saying how average it was, kinda spicy but not really anything to get excited about. So today I made a bagged of double spiced chai in a nice big cup and wham the flavor hits you full force. I think it’s safe to say that I like cinnamon =] and probably also safe to say that I’ll never buy regular chai again.
However, this isn’t the most flavorful tea I’ve ever had. Compared to the Good Earth cinnamon orange red tea, this is perhaps just up to par with, and this chai actually kinda loses it’s hold on you near the bottom.
It’s an ok tea. The peach definitely comes out more than the black. I also think I understeeped it a little cause the tea taste is pretty weak. As a comparison, I think Stash has a stronger peach tea. This tea is enjoyable but I don’t think I would buy a can. Too bad I can’t try a longer steep time since this bag was a sample and I don’t have anymore.
I like pairing teas with meals. Today, I got Chinese takeout for lunch and so brewed up a cup of oolong to go with it. I especially like how a nice clear tea makes you feel better after eating greasy food. I have a lot of random packs of bagged chinese and japanese tea, so maybe next time I’ll have a jasmine, or hoji-cha, or something else. =]
But to be noted, the second cup tastes pretty much like water.
a good breakfast tea, this time with some creamer, but the more i drink this tea the more it reminds me of generic orange pekoe. tastes good, but i kinda wish it were a little more unique.