278 Tasting Notes


I’m finding that many good sheng pu’erhs have a similar flavor profile. The most prominent flavors I generally get are apricots and maybe smoke. The level of smoke varies widely, but the apricots are always there. Sometimes they taste more fresh, and sometimes more like dried.

This tea tastes like fresh apricots, with no smoke. The difference between this little gem and some shengs is that the sheng magic hits me pretty quickly. I feel a little woozy and my heart speeds a bit, but not to an excessive degree.

This tea also, although young, has no bitterness I can find yet, even though some bitter flavors are mentioned in the magazine description of the tea. I did one rinse and two short 10 second steeps to get started. My shengxing is larger than most at 6 oz, so I used 6.5 grams of tea and will have enough for one more session.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I am gonna float around over here for a little while. :)


200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 6 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

I love apricot notes in sheng. I find them mostly in younger sheng it seems like!


Your gold cup is just gorgeous BTW


I love them, too!!! And thank you :)

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reviewed Smart Soak by Mandala Tea
278 tasting notes


I got the water super hot in my kettle, then soaked my white and badly stained teacups for 15-20 min with this awesome powder. Took a sponge, wiped them out, and they look brand new. No lie. Even my boyfriend noticed and he’s not exactly Captain Observant, ifyaknowwhatImean :p

I reused one bowl of solution for all 8 teacups. One cup had to be soaked and wiped twice, but none needed scrubbing. This stuff is amazing. Period.


I’ll have to get some of that on my next order. I use Pollident tablets but they take a few hours to clean.


I got a small bag to try, but when that runs out, I think I’ll be getting a larger size. Be aware that at first it may not LOOK like the stain is gone. Do not be alarmed. Just grab a sponge and wipe. I was a little disappointed at first because I thought it wasn’t working. But oh yeah… it was working. :)


Key for smart soak is HOT water! 160 degrees or above – really gets it fizzing and lifts the stains right out. If I didn’t have the Smart Soak, I’d have quit the tea biz a long time ago :) For our instore samplings and tastings, clean tea gear is a MUST. This makes it super simple. So happy that others are finding it as useful as me. Happy teatime!


This is definitely something I need to pick up. Even the “unflavoured” denture tablets smell minty, and that is not a flavour I like!


I use ordinary baking powder (baking powder, not baking soda) and boiling water. Fizzes like a mad things, so do it in the sink. Leave it a couple of minutes, wipes right off with a sponge. Mind you, I can’t remember the last time it was necessary. The dishwasher rarely fails me.

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So this was a nice little surprise!

It needed 2 rinses because it does still have some fermentation flavor, but once those are done, it’s very mild and pleasant. I don’t get a ton of distinguishable flavors, but I enjoyed this tea very much. For $7 per cake, I can’t really find anything bad to say. I would consider this to be a good daily drinker!

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 6 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

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Weeeeellll… I guess you can’t love them all. A little fairy told me that.

The color here is amazing, like pale amber. And the dry tea smelled nice, but the wet tea had a heavy earthy smell. I did two rinses and some short steeps.

This sample is from AllanK and he did warn me of the strong bamboo flavor, but it’s a bit overwhelming at first. It seems to taper off in later steeps. And even though the earthy flavor gets quieter, it lingers at the end of the sip. I can handle it a little better when it’s at the front of the sip and more pleasant flavors remain in the aftertaste.

I’m really grateful to try this one and I have enough for a few more sessions. Maybe I’ll learn to like it a bit more.

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 3 OZ / 88 ML

i remember trying some hei cha, could not even swallow. its great we dont love everything.


Most of the Liu Bao I have tried seems to have that bamboo flavor. I don’t know if it is because it is often stored in Bamboo baskets or if that is coincidence. When I bought this I was hoping for something like the Serenity Liu Bao from Fang Gourmet Tea but they did not turn out to be similar.


I would try additional years and makers, because I can’t write off the whole style from one try. :)


The problem with buying Liu Baos is its more hit or miss because there just aren’t that many people selling it. The favorite sellers of mine don’t carry it at all. You can’t get it from Berylleb, Dragon Tea House, or Yunnan Sourcing. Fang Gourmet Tea no longer had it listed on their website but she might get it back in stock. Hers was really good, and really expensive.


I guess it’s not the “in” thing right now. Harder to find


The seller whom I bought the Lucky Dragon from has a lot of Fu Zhuan for you to look at. I thought of telling you this because of the Fu Zhuan you liked so much from Camellia Sinensis, Streetshop88. I bought one of their Fu Zhuan and reviewed it here. It was decent but not as good as the ones you reviewed.


Thanks, Allan! I’ll take a look. I would like to find a spot to order a whole brick of the fu.

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Hello, Sweetie!

This is smooth, like buttah! I also tried the Ontario 1357 from WP last night, but I am gonna write a review on that later. It’s a heck of a ride!

This seems a little more mellow. It has a very pronounced mildness and interesting feeling, like velvety ribbons. The earthiness is almost non-existent. I only needed one rinse. I taste and smell a little cocoa and some mushroominess. I feel a little woo woo after 3 steeps, but I’m not dancing on the tables or anything.

I think this would make a nice tea for after a meal or anytime that a subtle and relaxing feeling is desired.

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

Dancing on tables, hmmm??? ;-)


Not tonight dear. My tum tum hurts. :p

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I’ve had this sample for awhile, while I got over my fear of shou. Now that it’s done, I’ve been diving in!

This had some earthiness, but it wasn’t crazy. It wasn’t bad at all, but it didn’t wow me. Anyway, I liked it. It just wasn’t luuuuuurve.


I was afraid too but that mandala sampler helped ease the way! It’s like a whole new world opened up!


Absolutely. Once I figured out a way that worked for me, I have been having a blast trying all the shous!!!!


There’s nothing to fear but fear itself… ;)


LOL. I’m not scared anymore! Woo!


I love that last sentence. There’s no better way than to describe pu’erh with the way you write.


I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who had a fear of shou.

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I got these on a whim because they are cute, portable, and they match Goldie.

The little brick only needed one rinse and then was smooth enough to drink right away. I found some nice cocoa notes and a very pleasant mouthfeel. It’s not my favorite shou, but I am enjoying it very much. I think that for travel or for convenience at work, these little pre-measured bricks are wonderful!


200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

Sarsonator, if we eventually do another swap, I have about six or seven of these mini tuochas.


That’s right, keep on Shouing, little Dr Shou, you ;-)


Do you mean different varieties, Allan?

Yes, Mistress Shou Shou. I will keep on drinking! :)


Yes I have at least six or seven different varieties, from Yunnan Sourcing, Tuocha Tea, and EBay. The ones fromo YS were the best of the lot, the ones from Tuocha Tea were mostly good, and the ones from EBay were good.


Oh cool! I got some flavored ones from DTH, but it was a separate order. Those should arrive soon. :)


Allan, which ones fr YS?

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Tea Party!!!!

This cake is from the lovely MzPriss who heard about it somewhere and took a chance. Good move and thanks so much, my dear! I drank this tonight with MzP and TheTeaFairy and I think I can say that we were all quite happy.

The Fairy and I cannot agree on whether this tastes more like apricot pie or apple pie, but there’s definitely fruit and pie. It has a little bitterness so very short steeps are a good idea. I did the best around 10 seconds. I may even lower the water temp slightly next time. You can’t beat the price on this. Like $15 for 357 g. I think it will smooth out a bit with age, and I’d say it’s totally worth the price!

You can trust Dr. Sheng on this one! :p

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 8 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

Doctor Sheng! I put your bug eyes on my note xo!


LOL awesome!


Dr sheng, I say that it’s a pie made of apples and apricots, even more nomz!!!


Hahahaa!!! Totally!

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AllanK is 3 for 3 on shous from our trade! Thanks, A!

This is another winner. This tastes a little like dessert, even on the early steeps. I did one rinse, and then 10-15-25. I will probably dial it back a little to a few at 15 seconds. It even has an interesting mouthfeel, very soft and full. It gives a nice tickle on the back of the throat, too. It has some nice chocolatey notes and is only very slightly earthy. And I mean very slight.

I have a feeling that this must be pricey, which may not be so bad since I am on a strict buying hiatus anyway. I’ll say this – I definitely WOULD buy this. It’s excellent!

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

SArsonator, I am glad you liked it. There is only one seller on EBay that seems to be selling it but he’s disreputable in the extreme.


Oh that’s a shame. I would have liked to get some when my hiatus was over. :)


Anything with lotus in its name is destined to greatness :-)

And I congratulate you for holding on to the teaplets hiatus!!


I need to go on a tea buying hiatus as well.


The trick on these is to buy them when they come out. This way you avoid the “older it is the more valuable” from the sellers. I just buy the new stuff and sit on it a while before I drink them.
Any Dayi product with the yellow on or the largest color on there are usually the top grade ones. The “7632” and the “Big Dayi Classic” and the “Daughter” cake are 3 off the bat like this also.


Thanks, Fairy! I’m trying really hard!!
Allan – Join us. It only hurts a little!
Mrmo – Thanks for the info! So I should be able to find 2014 versions on the cheap I guess.

Terri HarpLady

I need to get back on the Hiatus bandwagon…but probably won’t, LOL


Maybe by the end of the year. Menghai usually holds the newer shou to air it out and get rid of some of the shou poo as they call it.


Shhhh Terri. We are staying on the wagon here :p

Thanks, Mrmo! I will keep an eye out!


Wagon. We are on it.


The “be happy with what you have and pay down your credit card” wagon. It doesn’t SOUND fun, but we are having an ok time. :p


I would also like to be on that wagon. Actually, I wouldn’t like to. But I need to. Is there room?


All are welcome on the wagon.

Welcome wagon! HA! I slay me!!! :p


I’m in denial

Terri HarpLady

me too, boychik.
You can never have too much tea! Actually, I probably DO have too much tea, but…oh well!

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Man… Another winner from AllanK.

One rinse only, and this had just a subtle earthiness, definitely not much. It was smooth and lovely. The tea brewed up to a topaz shade. Very lovely.

I had a long and unpleasant Sunday, into today, in a war with an Ikea bed frame. I’d like to say that I won, but it was more of a tie. I’m not feeling super poetic, but this was damn good. I’m just gonna leave it at that!

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

So glad you got good tea through all this IKEA ordeal!!

And yo, Allan knows how to shou!! Sounds great :-)


Is it just me, or does it seem like every time someone has to assemble Ikea furniture they’re in a war?


Unfortunately, the IKEA war of 2014 isn’t over. It’s on hold til my stepdad can come over on Saturday. But the frame is together and sturdy enough to sleep on, so I’m at least happy about that!!!!


You won the battle but not the war!


Exactly, KiwiD!


At least you drank some good Shou after the battle. I’m glad you liked the Lucky Dragon. I’ve had good luck from that seller, not as good as the Song of Chi Tse, but then again they don’t sell many Dayis at Streetshop88. Are you going to buy the Lucky Dragon? It’s a 200g cake.


The 2010 Golden Needle White Lotus is even better, only not as aged with a little more fermentation flavor.


I may wait, A. Not because I don’t like it, but because I need to slow down.

I’ll try the Golden Needle tomorrow then :)


Hey that Streetshop88 is the guy from whom I bought my Overlord Drunk puerh cake, lol. Scratch from the street for us addicts on a jones.


I may be waiting several days to try the next one of yours. I want to give these teas multiple steepings and I have to be up at 5am for the next several days. Looks like three nights of rooibos for me. It tried the Port today, it was good.


I am glad Allan came over to us from TeaChat.


Same here :)

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