There are coffee beans in this blend! It has a pleasant, coffee-like aroma as well. I was a little wary of the base as I have not tried any of DAVIDs pu-erh blends before, but it did not display any offensive qualities. There was no fishiness, and reviews to the contrary seem to be from some time ago, so they may have improved the blend since then. As for the quality of the taste…was it earthy? Possibly. Did it taste like coffee? A little bit. Was it smooth and recognizably not black tea? Yes. Did it have its own complexity or distinguishing qualities? Not so much. But oddly enough, it was enjoyable to drink—maybe I just craved that aromatic, coffee-and-caramel experience in the morning. In all, if I were to recommend a flavored pu-erh blend, I would pick a different one (the tea base is much more pronounced in Lupicia’s blends, for instance), but this isn’t bad either. Thanks to beelicious for the sample!
Glad to read your review. I was mildly curious about this one, but I always thought that if I wanted something that tasted like coffee, I would just, y’know, drink coffee. ;)
Glad to read your review. I was mildly curious about this one, but I always thought that if I wanted something that tasted like coffee, I would just, y’know, drink coffee. ;)
It doesn’t taste quite like coffee, either…so if you want coffee, the real thing is still your surest bet :)