Dashboard seems frozen again, hmm… [E: it got unfrozen right after I posted, haha!]
This is an old favorite that I was happy to find again this year. The barley aroma and flavor is very strong and roasty with this one. The dark color and roasted fragrance are almost coffee-like, but without the other effects of coffee of course! The green plum flavor is very crisp and fresh, similar to that of the Ume Vert blend, another one of my favorites. Lupicia can be a bit heavy-handed with their fruit flavors, but their plum teas have been consistently good. As the evenings get cooler, I’m tempted to drink tea in later hours more and more, so this is a nice caffeine-free option. I’ve also tried cold brewing it, which brings out the plum aspect more, and is refreshing for those afternoons that feel too warm to be autumn yet.