I’m in love! This was another tea I received in DAVIDs Sweet Indulgence pack and I’m upset that I only have a small sample of it. Adding it to my wish list! I knew this was going to be a tea I’d really enjoy. I haven’t tried a lot of different types of tea yet, but I can almost guarantee that I’m going to like it if it’s classified as an “herbal”.
I steeped two cups of this out of one DAVIDs spoonful, with the second being just as flavorful as the first (although I did steep it a bit longer). As I took my second or third sip of my first hot cup, I considered firing some ice into it and drinking it cold, but I decided to drink the first cup as it was and have the second cup iced. It was fantastic!
This is a tea that I’ll likely always have in my cupboard (when I get around to picking up a large bag) and will likely frequently have a pitcher on hand in the fridge during the summer months.