As a child I never cared for cheesecake I always remember my parents eating it and when they offered it to me I just wasn’t having it. My mentality then told me that Cheese plus Cake would not be a good combination so I hated even the thought of it because I just didn’t understand.
When I was a little older(early 20’s, don’t judge me lol)I accidentally ate some cheesecake at a friends and I was like “OMG,you made this? It is so good,What is it”
My friend told me it was Cheescake and I was just like “Oh, Great Cheesecake” I didn’t want to admit that I was always scared of the stuff lol
Anyways I loved loved loved the cheesecakes every since then and I’ve had lots and lots of them many different ways, So good :)
This Tea nails the cheescake taste to me pretty well, It is very creamy and smooth with a sweet cheesecake taste, very tasty but a little too subtle so Not perfect but pretty close.
Cheesecakes taste different pending on who makes it or where you buy it and such, I’ve had Excellent cheesecakes and Not So Good cheesecakes and in between cheesecakes. You can tell the difference between homemade and the store bought kind and so on and such So all cheesecakes taste different in their own way.
This matcha ,To me, taste like a cheesecake somebody made at home but not from scratch more like a nobake cheesecake Or the kind of premade cheesecake that comes in a tub , very tasty.
Tho not quite homemade in the taste and the taste is a little subtle, it is still quite nice.
Even a nobake boxed cheesecake can be super tasty and We Love to buy the cheescake in the tub and eat it right from the container those are fun times and thats what this matcha reminds me of :)
This one that I tasted was just a sample and tho it IS yummy good I think it could be tweaked to perfection and made to taste like a real home made cheesecake.
I still have enough of the sample to make more of this I’m totally going to add a touch of the Caramel Matcha into it next time, I love caramel cheesecake.
Flavors: Butter, Cream
Mmm…I love the Cheesecake Matcha as well…
I had some before bed last night.