377 Tasting Notes
I’ve had this one for a few weeks. I bought a couple ounces with there being 30% off. I have had this one mixed with the Samurai Chai that Teavana used to have as one of their samples. I have to say that alone this one is ok. The initial flavor is good but after steeps is where this one gets better. The initial steep unless you brew it with the Samurai does not have a whole lot of flavor. That might be the lemongrass? However in the second and third steeps the peppercorns come through more. It also cold brews quite well. Crazy enough this one is better went the Samurai is mixed with it. Unfortunate that this one doesn’t stand out by itself since it’s one of Teavana’s most popular blends. I do like this one and will probably keep it in cupboard in the regular rotation.
So I received this one in a swap a long time ago…I just have not had the chance to review it. I’m still getting my palate for rooibos teas but this one is pretty stinkin’ good. Woodsy maple syrup. This is a decaf that I would add to the permanent collection. I even used the rest of the leaves mixed coffee. Fantastic!
So there I have found a trend in my friends who work for record labels. They know I’m a tea lover. So I was mentioning how puerh is my favorite type of tea. So on my desk is a puerh sampler from my friend in Nashville. One of the many reasons I love my job. I have never met a tuo cha I didn’t like. I think tuo chas must be one of those things that is hard to screw up. What I love about tuo cha puerh is that I can at least get 5-6 good steeps out one bird nest. This does not disappoint. The brew is dark like coffee and smooth like the little man’s bottom. That might be a bad analogy but we’ll roll with it. So smooth and six good steeps….huzzah!
So around Christmas I was mentioning(on the discussion boards) that my brother had picked up two containers of tea for me as a gift…the only thing is I couldn’t decipher what kind of tea it was. Well one day I decided to do some detective work. If it’s tea and loose leaf it deserves a shot. After matching up the characters on the box from the companies website I found that it is the Jaksul Dukgum. I really like this tea. Being that it is a Korean green the nuttiness is great. It almost has an oolong flavor. Very light. A great find from my brother in the Asian market in Ann Arbor.
Stopped by to see my friend who works at the South Park location. This is one that I have had the pleasure of wafting but had yet to taste. So I grabbed a cup. I do like a good earl grey so I anticipating a good experience. Seriously a good brew. The vanilla mellows but doesn’t completely cancel out the bergamot flavor. As it cools there’s a hint of chocolate maybe that’s part to the base black tea. There’s maybe even a hint of maybe creamsicle. I have to admit that there was a fantastic empty cup aroma…a sign of a good one :) This may have to be added to the collection.
I had the privilege and JOY of working at Teavana for over three years sampling, selling and passing on the joy of tea and art and artistry of tea-making. There are many stars out there, and combinations one can make of the tea selections and yet EACH day without fail, Earl Grey Creme was my go to tea every morning. My husband and I love that tea. Still do. And yes, it has a fantastic empty cup aroma. Amen on the hint of chocolate and possible hint of a creamsicle ice pop. Good call on that one. :) But no Popsicle sticks were ever in the bag. CHEERS.
Thank you to Amanda for sending me a sample of this. I have been anxiously awaiting to try this one. Bacon…yes please. Opening the bag there is a nice candy like aroma that fills the air. I noticed that it is the very much like some of the other black tea blends from 52/Manteas. So the aroma is good. The maple comes through pretty well. I think better than it did when I received a sample of the pancake breakfast. The black tea is bright but not too astringent. Sigh Where’s the bacon? I’m not tasting the bacon come through and that is a little disappointing. It’s almost like The Great Bacon shortage hoax of 2013. Which I think was just a ploy for people to eat more bacon. It worked…at least for this guy. I really wanted to love this one. I like it. I just wish that I could taste the bacon.
I received this one from tattooed_tea. I am really starting to wish there were some DAVIDs locations in the states…ok Ohio. Opening up the package the dry leaf reminds me of a chinese black or an ceylon. I was excited to get this one because I have never sampled a nepalese black. Reminds me a little bit of a chinese black because there’s that starchy flavor like baked potato. Pretty smooth and it may have to be added to the permanent collection.