377 Tasting Notes
So I picked this one up at the our discount store chain in Northeast Ohio(Marc’s) for about $2.50. I’ve tried their Earl Grey infusion which isn’t bad. This one’s pretty disappointing. I would say it’s more of a muddle of flavors. The nice wine like quality of the rooibos doesn’t come through and neither does the jasmine. It’s not bad though for work in a pinch quick bagged pick me up.
Well I must say that I was excited when I was asked to participate in another tasting of Teavivre tea. Even more excited when it after being sick all last week with bronchitis. This was the first that I decided to try. I went with the green because I heard that green tea can help booster antibiotics. I probably heard it on John Tesh since I produce his show for the station I work at. I opened up the packet and noticed a little bit of roasty aroma. It’s definitely a much lighter green in the color of the liquor. A medium body. I like the slight roasted flavor to this one. It reminds me a lot of the tea my brother gave me a few years ago for Christmas. He got it at an Asian market in Ann Arbor and I tried to see if anyone on Steepster could read it. I’m thinking maybe it’s Lu Shan Yun Wu. They are definitely similar flavor profiles and the leaves are similar. Who knows. It almost tastes like silver needles. I definitely like this one.
Seriously this is the best bagged peppermint that I’ve had. I’m drinking a lot more decaffeinated teas with the work/diet plan that I’m on, and with the heartburn issues I’ve had over the year. I love the mint quality of this because there are so many mint teas that are mint….but they are kinda dull. This is fantastic. Especially with it being less than 2 dollars a box. A great tea.
I feel that it has been too since. I have reviewed a tea and been in fellowship with my fellow steepsters. Not that I haven’t been enjoying tea….just lacking the time to log in with life’s hectivity. I’ve been making the effort to half-caf myself. I’ve been having heartburn issues with having two upper endoscopes over the last three months. I noticed that when DJing weddings coffee is my crutch beverage, and now knowing that more than 4 cups a day can negate coffees health benefits…yeah. So I’m running sound this morning at church and this is one of the tea offerings. It’s pretty mellow. Most pomegranate teas I’ve had I haven’t really found a strong taste some have a been downright nasty. This isn’t bad though I can’t really taste the green tea. That’s not a bad thing either since a lot of bagged greens tend to be bitter and nasty. This could be one that I could keep on hand in a pinch or at the office for convenience. Pretty good on a Sunday morning.
I received this one from Toi Toi. I love trying teas that are labeled coffee kickers or teas that try and mimic the specialty coffee drink. As a coffee lover as well it is really hard to find a tea that would replace coffee for me. Since I don’t drink the frou frou coffee drinks. I do have a soft spot for caramel. The dry aroma is potent, and I like that coffee beans are incorporated in this one. Pretty good straight up. There is an odd chemical taste to it. I don’t know if it’s the sugar crystals or not but it’s a little un-natural. It is though one of the best “coffee blends” that I have tried. It’s even better with Matevana and Dr.Teas Coffee tea mixed in. Decent.
This one has been sitting in my desk un-opened why? Well sometime I forget where I put things and I have random stashes of tea at work. Again contributing to my coworkers asking what are you smoking today. If you have read any of my previous tasting notes. I was pretty much a green hater until I realized that I was brewing them wrong and I had Teavivre’s offerings. This one is so incredibly light, but it still has some body to it. I had to get over the lack of body in green and white teas to enjoy them. I like the full body of black and Pu-erh tea. I’m really starting to like Long Jing as well. The first dragon well that I ever had was a really cheap one and was not good at all. Teavivre’s and the last one that I sampled from Infusion have been great. Slightly grassy, a little like hay, I can see some comparisons to chestnut as well. Over all a great post lunch pick me up. The quality of Teavivre is just outstanding.
Big suprise I know I received this sample with my Christmas order from the big T. I too am one that loved the white tea and Samurai mix. The Samurai is still one of my favorite Mate blends. It gives me warrior like cunningness(ok maybe a little bit of an exageration). This is my after lunch brew at work. For some reason lately I’ve been obsessed with cardamon after having arabic coffee at a middle eastern restaurant. I love the lemony goodness of it. There is plenty in here. This is seriously hitting the spot today! The base oolong looks to be a Ti Kuan Yin…exciting! I wasn’t thrilled about the rock sugar but it’s a welcome change. I get the change in the combo since the the temps for oolong and mate are closer than white and mate. However in sipping I found that I had a phantom apple taste on my palate. Yes, I think this would be perfect for mulled cider!