377 Tasting Notes
There are those days when simplicity is what is just what the doctor ordered. I have mentioned it before but a good jasmine green is truly a delight. Warms the soul and calms the spirit. Especially since I’ve been battling getting rid of bronchitis. The lungs are purring like a kitty and not in a good way. I love this tea. Reminds me of Summer Breeze by Seals of Crofts. I can’t believe I have not reviewed this yet!
Found this tea at Marc’s for about 2.50 a box. It’s not too shabby for a bagged tea. I’m not sure if I’ve been on the receiving end of a bigger energy boost because of the saffron, but still a tasty tea. The Assam is pretty good and I can tell that it is a darker oolong. I like that semi roasted oolong flavor to this tea. In a pinch it’s a good quick work pick me up.
Otea is the name of the loose leaf tea brand at the local asian market. I have tried to find more info on the company but to no avail. I have to say though that they just really have some great quality tea and it’s very modestly priced. I needed get some more dynasty peanut satay sauce. It is amazing if you like spice and flavor…which is also what I’m finding with this tea. I have had other ginger peach combinations and they just aren’t up to snuff. They smell great but once brewed don’t equal the pre-steep excitement. The dry leaf smells like candy! It’s purely intoxicating. On personal note I’m not a huge fan of darjeelings. However the mix on this one is just right. Usually the ginger overpowers the other flavors in the tea. I like this one because you can pick up the subtle sweetness of the peach. I gave the hairbrush to the peach…cause he’s got hair(Veggietales anyone). For $2 dollars an ounce this one is definitely going into the permanent collection.
I have tried the Jasmine Dragon Pearls and the Organic Keemun and green, too. I did not know the brand was Otea. I put my reviews under CAM (Cleveland Asia Market). My only concern was how long the tea had been in those glass jars….
Oh, where is my hairbrush….. Everybody’s got a waterbuffalo, yours is fast but mine is slow… My two favorites! ;D
Thank you to Emilie for this one. My apologies steepster friends for not posting for a while. My work schedule changed up again, for the better. This is one is not too bad. A decent black mint blend with vanilla hints. However I noticed the flavoring was a little bit chemical. There was elements that I would compare to a minty black and mild. It’s a good tea but has a strange flavor to it at the same time. I would drink it again but I’m not sure if I would put this one on the shopping list.
Another offering from Tommy and thus cashing all my swaps with her. I think that the Menghai pu-erh tea is some the best quality pu-erh that I have tried. This is another great offering like the 2006 V8. It really has the same nose and smoothness that the v8 has but just makes a little bit less cups. I would say one ball makes about 16oz of steepage. So it’s perfect for the cup that I’ve had going on 11years I think. It has some fame to it because when I couldn’t find it for a while my former roommate said “you can’t find the holy grail?” I used to drink my coffee from it everyday when we lived together. Luckily it was found and I’ve been enjoying this tea in it. Again 6 good steeps so far. Thanks again Tommy.
Picked up a box of the bagged for 2.50 at Big Lots…thought I would give it a whirl. It’s nice malty, sturdy, everything you would expect from a Scottish breakfast. I think they’re tea bags are very cool because you have to pull the string to expand the string. A little nerdy yes.
According to Jim this is an amazing tea….and after trying it I have to agree with him. My first Lapsang was the good Dr’s, which I would say has a good hardy smoke to it. This one is more subtle. At first I didn’t like it. I didn’t think it had enough smoke. Now that I am tasting it again, which it is good that I am doing my tasting note in the afternoon since my first was a morning steep, I am noticing a really good Chinese black tea with a lighter smoke to it. You can taste that good grainy, starchy, potato like flavor synonymous with a good black and yes a touch of sweetness like the description says. This makes me think I might have to revisit the Adagio sample I have that I thought was terrible. Definitely a comfort tea. Lapsang is always welcome in my book thank you Jim for good swap.
So my buddy at work who I usually share a daily cuppa with told me about Grandpa’s Cheese Barn, and that his wife picked this one up when they visited and didn’t like it. So he brought this one in to share. So of course I asked how she had brewed it since in my own experience white tea can go awry if you don’t pay attention to the time and temp. The dry leaf smells really good. Almost like Engelskuss (Angel’s Kiss) by Cafe-Contor that mercuryhime shared with me which my daughter claimed to be cotton candy tea. It’s really good it has a nice berry-ish flavor. The tea base itself is nice and light. So of course I want to check this place out since it’s maybe an hour drive.
Ha ha yeah I’ve never been there but it exists and a lot of people I know on facebook were talking about it over the weekend.
Ha! We love this one, it’s the one we picked up on our way down to Tennessee! Their tea selection was almost scary!
So did you ever find out if she had scorched it or not? I suspect that one would have gone down well in this house. Anything with black fruit generally does.
Thanks to Ian for sending me this one. First I am a big of roasted mate…..okay I’m a fan of Frank too :) It has a nice minty aroma coming from the dry leaf. I couldn’t really detect vanilla. I like it. I couldn’t really get the vanilla out of this one. I guess I was hoping the vanilla would make it a little more creamier. More like a wintergreen than spearmint. However I was sitting at my desk conversing with a record label rep with my nose inside the cup. I happen to do this quite a bit. I like to take in all of that the tea has to offer. More that simply just sipping it. I noticed something. There is this marvelous aroma arising from inside the cup. It’s like a nice a Cavendish or a high quality cigar. I’m talking Cohiba or Artuo Fuente. Whew refreshing like walking into a humidor.
I’ve been sitting on this one for a while after a swap with Tommy I’ve been steeping it for the past 4 days. After having it and other Touchas, in the future when buying Pu-Erh I will probably say I could have had a V8. All I have to say is holy cow! Eight! Eight lovely dark Pu-Erh pots from one toucha. Notice I didn’t say cups. It’s very smooth. Dark like coffee. Unfortunately I think the stash is all gone cause I can not find it on the website any more. Sadness. This is a very good offering though.
I had to find it from another site this time around :) it is here http://www.lostdogcoffee.com/the-art-of-pu-erh-chinese-living-teas/black-pu-erh-tea-market/2006-menghai-te-ji-v8-pu-erh-tuocha-%E5%8B%90%E6%B5%B7v8%E7%89%B9%E7%BA%A7%E6%B2%B1%E8%8C%B6/
I’m excited to get this sample! Sounds like it will be delicious.