377 Tasting Notes


Thanks to aisling of tea for sending me this one. The bergamot is not as strong as others that I have tried. A little bit a vanilla. This one was pretty good.

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drank Six Summits by Teavana
377 tasting notes

I received this one from Tamm Smells pretty nice when I opened up the bag. However I’m baffled that there seems to be multiple versions of this tea…with and without berries. Kind of like Special K with and without berries. It’s not bad…but I’m not seeming to get a whole lot of flavor…Oolong or raspberry. For the price they have on Teavana’s website I guess I’m expecting more. Maybe that’s just me.


I think that next time I make this one I’m going to pick the oolong out and just get leaves. I’ve noticed the berries don’t do much to flavor it; that’s probably why they took them out of the mix.

Ninavampi They used to have a version that didn’t have berries. I remember liking it. The berries are completely unnecessary and I am happy they are gone once again.

The price tag on this would have been way too high if it was $18 with the berries. O.O


Yes… Very much so… : (

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Another offering that I received from Teavivre. I have tried a few Ti Kuan Yin Oolongs and they all seem have different characters. Some more green. Others more oxidized. Some having a nutty or honey characteristic. There is a beauty in watching the Iron Goddess unfurl to present her glorious nectar. I do like how this is packaged, I can make a pot with one package. Opening up the dry leaves….whoa! Very floral. Very green. Smells like packaged summer. I know this is not a jasmine scented or flavored Oolong but it smells very similar. The leaves produce a pale yellow liquor. The smell and flavor remind me of that first part of June when you can really start to smell the Jasmine. Another great offering from Teavivre.


I think this is one of the sample I received too. Can’t wait to try it!

The DJBooth

Yeah they’ve all been pretty good.

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I was doing some Christmas shopping with my daughter last night and decided to check out the store and grab a cup. Well of course I walked out with something because my daughter tried the blueberry bliss/strawberry lemonade combo and loved it. I figure get her started early. She also refers to it as her tea. This one intrigued me last time I was in so I thought why not. The dry leaves on this one are an intricate combo of spicyness. I was really getting excited to try it. First sip….wow! If you put a cinnamon, peppermint and ginger Altoid on your tongue at the same time you would get this tea. Not to mention the subtle sweetness of vanilla, a little more spice with the black pepper and clove, and that it’s an Oolong/Pu-Erh combo….This maybe the first tea that I can legitimately claim teagasm on. This tea was so amazing. I left the cup in the car overnight and a heavenly aroma still hung in the air! And I’m spent http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KCE44Jz7BQ&feature=related


I really enjoyed this one too!


ooh, I may get some…


This sounds interesting. I only just discovered a couple of days ago that you can buy a cup of ready to drink tea at Teavana. I may take advantage of that next week when I go to “the city.”


It is good. Sadly they stop serving to go cups of tea during the holiday season. At least they do at my local Teavana.

The DJBooth

What? No to go…that’s not cool


I’m not sure if it is at all of their stores. But mine served their last to go the day before Thanksgiving and they won’t offer it again until after the new year. :(


that’s so unfortunate! bleh.

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drank Sakura Allure by Teavana
377 tasting notes

Hmmm very interesting this one. Thank you Tamm for sending me a sample. I’ve had green teas with cherry in them and they are OK to say the least. The dry leaves smell quite nice. You can’t really taste the pinnaple or the cherry but I feel like I’m drinking a rose garden with this one….and I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing. I didn’t find it to be nasty but I don’t know if I would keep this one on hand on a regular basis. Glad to try it though.


When you brewed this did you also get a very strange color? O.o It was off-grayish the first time I tried it.

The DJBooth

It was actually pink when I brewed it.


O.o weird! I wonder what the difference was.

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Received this one from Batrachoid. I’m really trying to like green Pu-Erh. Honestly I am but I’m thinking it is not for me. The tuocha smells like hay and brews up a goldish liquor. The taste well I would have to agree with Teaequalsbliss mushroom like muskiness. I just find it to be too bitter for me. Very similar to Darjeeling that I have sampled. Still I am appreciative of the chance to try it(sigh).

Nathaniel Gruber

you absolutely must try this tea if you are looking for a good Sheng Pu’er (or green as you have said)…100% worth the money, in fact I consider it a steal at that price…




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drank MateVana by Teavana
377 tasting notes

Mmmm made a cup for me and a cup for a co-worker who I’ve been bringing over to the “dark side” I picked this one up in my recent visit to Teavana. The aroma of the dry leaves is a little slice of heaven. My co-worker loved it especially since I told him that it has the same amount of caffeine that coffee does. As I have been trying this one I have noticed that it is the first Teavana mate that I can pick out the flavor of the roasted mate. I have a sample that I was given of Specialteas roasted mate…..same flavor! So I’m thinking this might be a place where the Teavana acquisition of Specialteas is coming into factor. Truly an afternoon delight! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMx93ZEw7vs&feature=related Boosting this one up a bit.

The DJBooth

Ha ha now that I posted I can’t get the song out of my head.

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Went out to celebrate a friends birthday at Wasabi. Sushi, Hibachi, and Sake! Yes life is good, but holy cow! Too much food and lot’s of Sake from our chef. So the wife and I get home feeling really full. So what do I turn to? No not plop plop fizz fizz but the good Dr’s Imperial Pu-Erh. Reminds me of a classic from a gentleman like Billy D Williams! http://youtu.be/q6J7QtwEyN8 Does it everytime! :)

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Picked this up over the weekend. Yeah I got roped in by the new blends at Teavana. A very fruity aroma emanates from this one. The initial taste reminds me of Dr. Tea’s Obama’s Oolong. Further tasting it reminds me of the Passion Tea Lemonade from Starbucks. So it’s a very familiar taste, but with add in the fact that it’s a Mate and all is right with the world. You really can’t taste the green mate. Which if you were new to mate would probably be a good thing because I would say that un-roasted mate is definitely an acquired taste. I definitely like this one!

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DJ, Work in Radio,father, husband, Owner of my own mobile DJ business, and lover of tea.

My favorites are Pu-Erh, Black teas, Oolongs, Mate…then again I’ll try just about anything. If you are a company and would like me sample your tea. I would be more than happy to.


Cleveland/Alliance, Ohio



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