Back in my vegetatian/vegan days, we used to eat a lot of buckwheat at my house: Soba noodles, buckwheat pancakes, & Kasha (not to be confused with Kashi). I have a ton of tasty recipes that I miss, & I might have to try eating some Kasha soon, to see how it digests, since it’s not a true grain. Most buckwheat noodles have gluten in them, although I think Eden (or some other company that’s been around awhile) makes one that is 100% buckwheat.
So this tea was a trip down memory lane for me, like having a bowl of Kasha, without having to chew it. It’s not the first Soba Cha I’ve had, but I haven’t had one in awhile. A pleasant evening tea, roasty & sweet.
I dunno, I’ve never had Harney’s. I’d be willing to guess this one might be more roasty? But then again, maybe not.
If you like this tea, you can actually roast your own very easily!
I suppose so. Also, on a different note, buckwheat pancakes sound pretty tasty. Around the corner from my house there is a crepe place that specializes in buckwheat crepes that are sooo good!
They are especially nice with maple syrup, absolutely perfect! When my kids were young, I made pancakes almost every day: buckwheat, or oatmeal, or blueberry…if we didn’t have pancakes we had muffins or scones, or some quick bread, & whenever it’s owed/sleeted, we had waffles. That was before I realized how crappy gluten & grains make me feel…sigh…
Sounds delicious! I am sorry to hear about the gluten and grains though. Luckily it seems as though a bunch of gluten free alternatives are popping up everywhere. My roommate is trying a gluten free diet and has found some pretty amazing alternatives to the things she loved. She makes a gluten free carrot cake that is one of the better ones I have had.
oh yeah, lots of amazing recipes out there! I’d like to see that carrot cake recipe (is it also dairy free?)
The cake part is dairy free but the icing is made with cream cheese. Also, I can ask her for the recipe but she is not one for following a recipe properly – she tends to use wrong measurements and makes substitutions and somehow it works out.
How does this compare to the Harney version?
I dunno, I’ve never had Harney’s. I’d be willing to guess this one might be more roasty? But then again, maybe not.
If you like this tea, you can actually roast your own very easily!
I suppose so. Also, on a different note, buckwheat pancakes sound pretty tasty. Around the corner from my house there is a crepe place that specializes in buckwheat crepes that are sooo good!
They are especially nice with maple syrup, absolutely perfect! When my kids were young, I made pancakes almost every day: buckwheat, or oatmeal, or blueberry…if we didn’t have pancakes we had muffins or scones, or some quick bread, & whenever it’s owed/sleeted, we had waffles. That was before I realized how crappy gluten & grains make me feel…sigh…
Sounds delicious! I am sorry to hear about the gluten and grains though. Luckily it seems as though a bunch of gluten free alternatives are popping up everywhere. My roommate is trying a gluten free diet and has found some pretty amazing alternatives to the things she loved. She makes a gluten free carrot cake that is one of the better ones I have had.
oh yeah, lots of amazing recipes out there! I’d like to see that carrot cake recipe (is it also dairy free?)
The cake part is dairy free but the icing is made with cream cheese. Also, I can ask her for the recipe but she is not one for following a recipe properly – she tends to use wrong measurements and makes substitutions and somehow it works out.
Sounds like your room mate & I have similar cooking methods, LOL
I’d probably just ‘ice’ it with some melted coconut butter :)
Mmmm. I will ask her when I see her (it’s coming close to exams and she is an engineer so she is sort of trapped in her room) and let you know :)