The birds informed me that the best time to eat homegrown berries is while you’re picking them, which I did this morning.
Then I fixed a Frittata for breakfast, & the boys picked Tardis to go with it.
Earl Grey Bravo, Blackberry, & Vanilla.
Not really feeling it today.
This tea goes better with pancakes.
when i was a kid i went strawberry picking with my sister and my governess. we picked for hours but only had small buckets to show for it. the attendant had no idea what to do and grumbled that maybe she should put my sister and i on the scale. they taste better when you save them from a life of plastic captivity!
It’s true!
I’ve been bringing them in & making (gluten free) muffins with them, pancakes, & throwing them in salads. Today I just wanted to eat them. :)
I always graze on my scuppernong grapes out at the vine. They rarely make it into the house to be washed and eaten! The first year we moved in this house, the rich scent brought the memory of getting caught in a bear trap under my aunt’s vines flooding back! I had nearly forgotten! I didn’t get hurt, just stuck, as the trap was old and rusty and closed on my Sunday shoes! But I couldn’t get my shoe off, and Dad had to “rescue” me. The trap was there because the vines were right beside the chicken house and bears like both!
when i was a kid i went strawberry picking with my sister and my governess. we picked for hours but only had small buckets to show for it. the attendant had no idea what to do and grumbled that maybe she should put my sister and i on the scale. they taste better when you save them from a life of plastic captivity!
It’s true!
I’ve been bringing them in & making (gluten free) muffins with them, pancakes, & throwing them in salads. Today I just wanted to eat them. :)
I always graze on my scuppernong grapes out at the vine. They rarely make it into the house to be washed and eaten! The first year we moved in this house, the rich scent brought the memory of getting caught in a bear trap under my aunt’s vines flooding back! I had nearly forgotten! I didn’t get hurt, just stuck, as the trap was old and rusty and closed on my Sunday shoes! But I couldn’t get my shoe off, and Dad had to “rescue” me. The trap was there because the vines were right beside the chicken house and bears like both!
Wowza! What a story Ashmanra! Wow!