Tea type
Black Tea
Chinese Black Tea, Tahitian Vanilla
Cherry, Cherry Wood, Cocoa, Earth, Malt, Vanilla, Dark Wood, Smooth, Sweet, Bark, Mushrooms, Wet Wood, Umami, Wet Earth, Pepper, Wood, Caramel, Cream, Custard, Dark Chocolate, Oak, Pine, Stonefruit, Thick, Chocolate, Creamy, Dried Fruit
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Whispering Pines Tea Company
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 13 oz / 388 ml

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39 Tasting Notes View all

From Whispering Pines Tea Company

A forest is more than a grove of trees. A forest is the wind sweeping across the pines, the wood thrush calling, and the blankets of mist covering the mossy earth below your feet. A forest is the sweet vanilla scent of spring wildflowers and the babbling brook feeding the blackberry bushes. A forest is the morel mushroom hiding under the wintered oak leaves. A forest is everything that we should strive to be — strong, wise, and tranquil. Elder forests are filled with complex ecosystems. Every corner of the woods presents a new biological wonderland, and every inch of the void between organisms plays a vital role in the full picture.

At Whispering Pines, we appreciate complexity. There are, of course, great things to be said about intense singular notes and the boldness of strong lingering aftertastes. However, in the ancient forests crawling with the fingers of fog and ethereal thrush melodies, it is not the plentiful pine we seek. We enter the deepest realms of the forest in search of diversity and the beauty that lies behind the entrance to the trail. A book is not a book without the words within, and a venture into the unknown is not complete without every aspect present.

This is why we chose to seek the complexity of the highest grade Chinese black teas available as the base for Elderwood. This is why we sought the most complex and balanced Tahitian vanilla bean we could find. For the sake the the primeval forests and the immense biodiversity within, we could not choose to cut corners on complexity.

Inspired by the deepest and most ancient of forests, Elderwood carries base notes of warm pine, oak, and cocoa, with sweet vanilla, caramel, cherry, and morel perfectly balanced in the background. A sweet and earthy moss-like aftertaste with hints of vanilla and oak linger for hours past the last sip of this strikingly smooth brew. The aroma is pine, cocoa, and stone fruit, and the color of the tea is dark amber with a slight tinge of deep purple.

The overall experience of this tea is only comparable to what you can imagine drinking the finest hot cocoa infused gently with cherry, and aged in oak barrels beneath the forest floor would be like. The richness and depth of Elderwood can truly only be done justice by experiencing the masterpiece yourself. We highly recommend enjoying Elderwood outdoors. Allow the brew to warm you on a chilly day while walking along your favorite woodland trail.

In honor of all beauty that mother nature has provided us with, and in honor of those moments where you realize just how big the full picture is, I give you Elderwood.

Notes: Warm Pine, Oak, Melted Chocolate, Vanilla, Chocolate-Covered Cherries, Plum, Cream, Salted Caramel, Morel, Moss

Ingredients: Imperial Grade Dian Hong, Ailaoshan Black Tea, Hand-cut Tahitian Vanilla Beans


About Whispering Pines Tea Company View company

Whispering Pines Tea Company is dedicated to bringing you the most original, pure, beautiful tea blends. We use only the highest quality ingredients available to create additive-free teas teas inspired by the pristine wilderness of Northern Michigan. Our main focus is on customer satisfaction and quality.

39 Tasting Notes

772 tasting notes

So I like to stack my activities on my ‘get up from the couch and computer’ periods because evicting the cats from my lap is a time consuming and guilt inducing process and I try to limit that. So this period involved (in order): bathroom, panning for gold in los rios gatos, trash (including bathroom trash and the big stupid plastic bags in the bedroom that the cats keep licking in the middle of the night, I hate that noise), setting up the laundry, making tea, going for a 15 minute walk on the demon hill, coming back to made tea (yay!) and then sitting down again.

I told you this so you would understand why I keep coughing. It is below 50F right now (which is ridiculously warm compared to the rest of the US, but still cold when I only sort of put a coat on and then go for a walk in the dark). During my walk, which was a bit more strenuous than I’ve been doing in my surgery recovery process, I was breathing through my mouth and since then I haven’t been able to stop coughing :(

Anyway, this tea is helping with the coughing a bit, since it’s a warm liquid on my poor throat. I’m glad I read the reviews before sipping for the first time because I was expecting a bit more vanilla in this vanilla tea but the third review down, WP put in a comment that he blends to accentuate the notes present in the base tea rather than attempting a face-punch vanilla flavour. I prefer the latter, usually, but this is definitely the former and it’s none the worse for it because it DOES, in fact, accomplish that goal. The base tea is definitely a really really nice black tea and the milder vanilla is really very nice with it and makes it seem like there isn’t a vanilla ingredient at all, but just that it’s a really vanilla-y black tea, if that makes sense.

Anyway, I’ve figured out how to enjoy the first cup of my pots of WP tea now, which is to ignore the instructions on the bag and add approximately a teaspoon per 250 ml instead of half that. Perhaps once I acclimate my tastebuds again, I’ll be able to go back to the milder flavours, but right now they’re used to soda again and I haven’t had much tea these last few months.

tl;dr: this is a good mild vanilla-y black tea. Approved.

Flavors: Vanilla, Wood

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 27 OZ / 800 ML
Whispering Pines Tea Company

Hmm, you may be reading the directions wrong. It’s 1/2 tablespoon per 8oz rather than 1/2 teaspoon. Hope this helps! :)


See, yes. I am reading the directions wrong. Thanks WP!


There are 3 teaspoons to a tablespoon, for everyone else who is as conversion challenged as me. So it’s 1.5 teaspoons per cup, so actually it could be even stronger! Next time.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

No worries :-) I’m working on adding more detailed information to the website for steeping, as I just stopped writing it on the bags. Soon they’ll all have a tsp/tbsp measurement as well as a weight in grams for that measurement.


How does panning for gold in los rios gatos fit between bathroom and trash? My mind is boggled – not that it is a hard thing to do by the way.


panning for gold in the river cats. aka, scooping the litterboxes. I was being overly clever and sleep deprived.


perhaps I should have said ‘panning for nuggets’ since I don’t actually expect to find gold of any sort unless one of my babies is really REALLY sick somehow


That’s hilarious and kind of obvious after the fact.


it is a phrase I enjoy greatly and if you have cats, feel free to steal and deploy at will.

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296 tasting notes

Happy happy birthday to meee! First tea of the day yayyy!

[side note, I may have underleafed this time. mehhhh]


Happy Birthday ! hope you have a wonderful day and fabulous teas only. <3

Maddy Barone

Happy Birthday!!

Roswell Strange

Happy Birthday! Celebrate with something really yummy ;)


Hope your birthday is wonderful!! _


Hope you have an amazing birthday!


Happy birthday.


Happy Birthday!!

Lariel of Lórien

Aren’t you supposed to have a Hobbit party for your b-day?

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Happy birthday! :D Hope you had a good one!


D’awww, thanks guys! =^_^=


Happy Birthday! :)

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249 tasting notes

This tea was absolutely delicious! The dry leaves smell of chocolate and licorice, and the infusion is strong and dark. It’s a strong, earthy tea taste, with an aftertaste of chocolate. It’s deep and layered, like a forest floor, and wonderful!

Flavors: Chocolate, Wet Earth

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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83 tasting notes

Ok, third attempt. I think I can smell the vanilla, but the tea bag was really full. I feel like I have to explain. I put my tea in a tin, but couldn’t fit it all in, so I was left with a little bit extra in the bag. It’s hard to measure tea in the bag, though, when it’s that low, so I gave up and poured the rest of the tea in a tea bag. It was maybe enough for a tea pot. Anyway, I used my large mug. (I still haven’t replaced my elephant tea pot, but it’s a waste to brew tea in a teapot of that size if I’m going to pour a majority of it in one mug.)

Anyway, I don’t really taste the vanilla. Though, I did have a salad earlier with sautéed mushrooms, so I’m really picking up on the mushroom flavors in this now. On a side note, I do want to try the tea with the morels as well. This tea has a depth that I think fits a great forest – not that I’ve been in many in real life. North Carolina is 97% pine forest. I feel like this shows a real forest’s intensity, so now I’m wondering if Mirkwood could possibly taste any darker. Darker, like thick tree canopies and wet soil, not join the dark side, Luke. I imagine that would taste more like vanilla and caramelized brown sugar. Cookies. It would taste like chocolate chip cookies.

Anyway, what I really want isn’t vanilla. What I want is a vanilla drop kick to the face. Maybe I should try vanilla rooibos.

Can I say this tea tastes like Groot? Like the frosted flakes slogan, but instead “It’s Groot!” That sounds worse out loud than in my head. Trees have feelings too. The Ent will never talk to you now.

Flavors: Mushrooms, Wet Earth

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Sadly, I’ll likely never make a vanilla dropkick tea ;-) Tried it once and it tasted too generic for me. Instead, I use it to use it to accentuate the notes that are naturally in the tea. Also note that tahitian vanilla doesn’t really taste like vanilla…tastes like chocolate and cherries with light floral hints.

Glad you liked it and that the inspiration came through :D


I didn’t know that. Thanks for the update. I didn’t know that about Tahitian vanilla. If you were wondering about the number, I’ve kind of rated my favorite teas 80 so I’ve kind of made an artificial barrier to rating. So, I guess it would be more like an 85. I really should just fix my numbers.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Oh, haha, I don’t care about the ratings, just sharing more about what this tea is about :-)

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1113 tasting notes

OMG! Thank you Cameron B for the sample of this tea…and she tells me it originally came to her from Dexter so thank you both SO MUCH!

WOW, so apparently I LOVE Tahitian vanilla beans in tea. The two from Whispering Pines that include them are my favorites from this company so far and maybe 2 of my favorite teas of all time! The dry leaf is very beautiful here too, dark twisty leaves blended with shiny golden fuzzbuds…mmm. So rich and creamy. The vanilla evokes a marshmallowy sweetness. Super dreamy tea! I love it!!!


Sharing tea with friends is a beautiful thing…..

Cameron B.

Absolutely. Sharing is caring. <3


<3 you guys :D

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4330 tasting notes

Miss Dexter was generous enough to send me a sample of this rather expensive tea (along with Port) because it’s one of the Whispering Pines teas that sounds amazing but costs more than I am willing to pay just to try it. So thank you, amazing tea friend! The leaves are a mixture of fuzzy golden Imperial Dian Hong buds and darker, twisty Ailaoshan Black leaves. Dry scent is very sweet and vanilla-y with a touch of cocoa.

Mm, the steeped tea smells fantastic… A lovely creamy mix of sweet vanilla custard, milk chocolate, caramel, and dark dried fruit. Wow, the taste is much earthier than I expected! I can definitely taste the described oak and morel notes, and they blend amazingly with soft cocoa and sweet vanilla flavors. There’s a caramel sweetness that becomes creme brulee when mixed with the vanilla, and just a touch of fruity sweetness that the website describes as cherry. Very delicious!

Flavors: Caramel, Cherry, Cocoa, Creamy, Custard, Dried Fruit, Mushrooms, Oak, Smooth, Sweet, Vanilla

150 °F / 65 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Sounds amazing

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15575 tasting notes

dexter sent me this one as i really want to place an order with WP but when i built my cart it was several hundred $ lol Soooo dexter helped me out with a few samples from her cupboard of WP teas that were on my “want to try” list. I love this tea. I enjoyed multiple steepings of the sample dexter sent me and loved it. Oak, cocoa, vanilla..and a truly delicious base. I think my only “complaint” about this tea is the price :( It would for sure be a birthday sort of splurge tea for me – to be enjoyed. Thank you so much for sharing this with me dexter! delicious!

Cameron B.

I agree on the price. I always want to try the new “vanilla dreams” teas, but they’re just too expensive for me.


don’t get me wrong, i can appreciate that quality sometimes costs more, but i’m not sure i can personally justify it, at least not as often as i’d want too :(

Cameron B.

Absolutely. I just feel that I would rather buy multiple teas or more of a tea I love for the same price. :)

Cameron B.

But I haven’t tried any of the expensive ones, so if I had I may have a different opinion! Lol.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Im HOPING to be able to make my more expensive teas available as 1/2oz in the next few weeks or so. It’s ridiculously laborious to blend the teas that contain Tahitian Vanilla…takes about 30 minutes per ounce. :/

Lariel of Lórien

I really want to try this one.


Does the multiple steep make up for price? I hardly ever re-steep “flavored” teas (I understand this is blended not flavored). If you can multiple steep it, does that help offset cost. (I haven’t tried this one yet…) Happy that you like it. :))

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Mmm good point…I always get at least 4 steeps from this one.


Dexter….so yes and no hahaha my dilemma is that sometimes, I don’t WANT 36+oz of the same tea
Brendan – totally understand, and this one is lovely…I can appreciate the time and effort that crafting a tea can require.
Cameron – if/when Brendan has the half ounce option, I suggest trying it at the very least as a little splurge :) it’s quite lovely with the vanilla… This is more what I was hoping for with the verdant blends this month a la vanilla style

Cameron B.

Sil, I will definitely consider trying this one and Cocoa Amore if there’s a half ounce option. :)

And those stupid Verdant blends angered me! The vanilla was such an afterthought in all of them except maybe the tieguanyin…


I understand that Sil – I agree don’t always want 4 big cups of the same tea. To save leaf/cost, should we be making 4 steeps of small cups. Make four 4oz cups rather than four 8oz cups? Do we need to change our habits to save money and make these more affordable?


Dex….probably…but I find unless I’m doing gongfu…I want my big delicious mugs of steaming tea….or else it cools too fast for me lol

Whispering Pines Tea Company

You could always halve the leaf amount and add infusion times together :)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

But yes, I’m hoping that a 1/2oz option will make these more accessible.

Lariel of Lórien

1/2 is a good sample size. Is that one the two awesome black teas?

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Not sure what you mean?

Lariel of Lórien

A blend of two awesome black teas?

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Ahh yes, it’s Imperial Gold Bud Dian Hong and Ailaoshan Black :-)


What?? Those are two of my WP faves! I might have to splurge on this (and Cocoa Amore, naturally) in October for a birthday present to me…from me….I just won’t think about it too hard ;)

Lariel of Lórien

Yay for October birthdays. This blend sounds good for that season too. (I rather liked the Ailaoshan Black, almost as much as Fujian S’mores… I mean Black Tea.)


Interesting discussion here…my own personal reflexion on it, is that for me, each buck is well spent only because those vanilla dreams teas make me happy beyond what they cost me. And I’m at a point where I like to drink less of everything, and more of my favourites. So in the end, again for my own personal situation, it’s not more expensive cause I have stopped ordering from many other companies and stick to the very few I want to drink tea from like forever!! Having said that, I understand that they do not fit every budget. But I will happily cut somewhere else, before I cut on my WP orders :-)


I’ve always wanted to sample the WP teas too but since most are black I doubt I would stock them on a regular basis.

TeaFairy, I know what you mean about drinking more of your favs. I’ve been reaching for lots of my favs lately too.


Ubacat, you can order a sample pack for $5. Not all of the teas are available as samples, but a lot of them are :)


Teafairy – totally understand that, and i’m pretty sure that’s where i’ll end up once my life isn’t so hectic. For right now, i hate to waste money on teas that are a “luxury” if i know i’ll struggle to find time to actually have time to myself to sit and enjoy them, instead of the teas i drink while at work to make work more enjoyable with happy tea moments. Work tea sometimes gets forgotten, and i wouldn’t want to do that to my special teas :)


I’m with you, Sil. I need to have a stock of teas that are great in travel mugs or if left to cool, plus some teas I adore that I can just sit and sip on when I get home from work or have a lazy morning. :)

Lariel of Lórien

The samples are good, but a bit small.


I did see the samples. I might have to order some of them to try BEFORE they have a sale. Then I will know which ones to order. Thanks.

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278 tasting notes

Aaaaah Saturday morning yums!!!

Method: 1.5 tsp, 8 oz, 200 degrees, 3 minutes, French Press

Dry Leaf Aroma & Brewing Aromas: Chocolate cake. Om nom nom

Flavor: yum! This has lovely cakey and cocoa notes. I wish it was a little sweeter, but that’s easily remedied. I am going to try a second steep and see how that goes!!!

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

MMMM that’s a good morning nom


I wasn’t feeling as poetic this AM, so I kept it short, but yeah. This is great. I love that I have more to look forward to with these vanilla teas because they do improve with age. I can’t wait to get that vanilla pot seasoned!!!


Oh, great choice!! my session of this was so good yesterday…the rest is cold-steeping.


My vanilla pot will be finished in about 3 hours (I’m going longer than Brenden’s 3 that he goes) and it’s sitting on the warmer. I can’t wait!


The second steeping is niiiiice. I put in a little maple syrup because, why not?


I just went Terri-style with my GO as well. This is so freaking good


Mmmmmmm Terri-style.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I’m so glad that maple in tea is getting such good recognition :)


You don;t very much at all and it just elevates it.


Oh HoneyBelle! I missed the note where you’re seasoning your vanilla teapot. I think you may have said before, but which one did you pick for vanilla? Sometimes I’m super senile…


I’m using my “bigget” one (220) – it’s my expensive one that I got a while back and haven’t seasoned yet. But since I will be drinking the vanillas out of it, I decided to use the biggest one


If you have a pic,I’d love to see it. Hooray for vanilla teapots!!!!!


I think there might be on already up on my flikr. Lemme go look


It’s the one on the left:

I think my bamboo pot from Mandala may have to be my Special Dark baby


The one in the middle is going to be shou other than SD and the one on left looks a little different now as it had a long warm bath in Wild Monk and is now my sheng pot. It’s already darker.


O.M.Geeee. Those are so adorable!

I think you picked out some lovelies. I especially like the Mandala pot with the cute bamboo pattern. I can’t wait to start seasoning mine when they arrive!!!!

Oh, and we have matching laptops :)


I have a love/hate relationship with this laptop. I’m boiling my bamboo one right now and it will have a Special Dark bath later after we get back from the vet


Oh crap I mean the one on the RIGHT is now my sheng pot and looks different. I have a very adorable purple one coming that will be for oolongs


Reeeally? I adore mine. It’s the second of its kind. The last one went 5 years before the video card died.

I’m so jealous of your seasonings LOL. But soon I will have my own seasoning adventures. The vanilla houhin is scheduled to arrive Monday…

Vet? I hope everything is ok! I have to get my “kids” in for their annual checkup and shots soon.


“Oh crap I mean the one on the RIGHT

I knew what ya meant. :)

Eeee!!!! I got one for oolongs toooooo! Uh oh. I’ve gone to multiple vowels…. must be excited. Time to make some tea…


I’m making egg and kimchi braekfast tacos and deciding on the tea to take along with me to the vet. Wee Snailys I think


One of my dogs is having (sorry) anal gland issues.


Taco Queen!

I have been hoarding the last of my wee snailys, but Brenden just said that he received a huge order, so I can happily drink them again!

It’s ok. My little princess has AGIs too. Gross, but it hasn’t been a serious problem for her. Hopefully it’ll be no biggie for you, too.


I’m hoping that as well, but we’re on the second round of antibiotics which I hate to give her and she doesn’t LOVE yogurt which I want her to have when she does the antibi-s.


Trying to get motivated enough to leave the house in search of kimchi – yes this would be MzPriss’s fault. Where do I buy Kimchi? Should I go to China town, which is sort of right here, easy to get to – OR do I need to go half way across the city to my favorite Korean market? I can proabably buy it at the HUGE supermarket too, but will that be as good as the stuff you would find in an Asian market?? I love Kimchi, but never buy it, I just eat out whenever possible….


The Korean market is probably the best bet, but I suspect you’d do ok in Chinatown also.


OK – I’m a little frightened to go to China Town, you never know what cute teaware you might run into. Thinking the Korean Market will be safer on that front. Need motivation to get up and moving…..one more cup of tea…


Either way probably. I buy it at my local hippie co-op grocer – there is a small local company that makes various kinds here in town and they sell it at the co-op. I started putting kimchi on tacos when I was out of salsa one time. Last night I just had kimchi tacos for dinner. Oh I also got this really awesome Madras Curry sauerkraut salad – so good. I like the fermented veg thing a waaaaaay lot.


Thanks, I’m going to go and venture out into the world and see what I come up with. I live in a fairly large city I should be able to find real kimchi….
Will report back later…


FYI – Mission kimchi was successful… :))


Someone is going to have a nice dinner :-)


I also had a MzP influenced dinner. Faux chicken, beans, rice, and my world famous Asian peanut sauce on a soft taco shell. I wrapped it up like a burrito b/c I do t have taco shells, but close enough. It was deeeeelish!

Dex: we need a full report on the results of Mission Kimchi!


I think you can wrap anything in a soft taco shell and it would be good. :)) Would famous Asian Peanut Sauce? That sounds interesting… like Thai peanut sauce?
While I was out on Mission Kimchi, I also bought concentrated tamarind paste? I usually buy blocks of Tamarind to make chutney – hoping that this will be good and take out a step. (Also hoping that I can just add a little to black iced tea….)
As for the kimchi – not sure yet. Probably some sort of noodle stirfry. Garlic, ginger, soy sauce, fish sauce, veggies, chicken – and then toss in some Kimchi on the plate… that’s the plan, but things change as I cook… never quite sure what I’m going to end up with


Yeah Dex, kinda like a Thai peanut sauce.

Tamarind paste!!! Yum yum yum

How did your stir fry turn out?

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3294 tasting notes

This is sublime…simply sublime.
Picture this: It’s a really hot day (& it IS in St Louis). Hot & humid, & you’re literally dragging yourself across that field of dreams, because you know that if you just take that walk, there will be relief.

And so, finally, you arrive at the edge of the forest, & as soon as you duck into it’s shade, your entire day begins to unwind. Even in the heat of summer, the coolness of being beneath the canopy is all enveloping. The smell of layer upon layer of decomposing leaves rises to greet you, the humidity in the air immediately becomes cavelike. You walk until you reach a bubbling spring, you find a sizable patch of moss, & you lie down in that shady place, with the sounds of water, birds, & leaves gently rustling .
Heaven doesn’t always include a Harp.


Isn’t it pretty Terri?


We have moonrise very soon

Terri HarpLady

It is pretty, & I just realized I didn’t really say anything about what it TASTES like, but this is the best I could do, LOL.
I made it through 2 steeps, & when I went back to try for a 3rd, I was disappointed to discover that Tony, in a kitchen cleaning frenzy, had dumped my steeper…ackckckckck….


OMG. Tony might need a spank.


I am chomping at the bit! All my tea friends keep reviewing teas that I have just ordered and are on the way! I can’t wait to try this one. :)


Love this review terri…

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557 tasting notes

Yet another damn good blend from WP, I’ll make this one short because TheTeaFairy and MzPriss did a wonderful job on their reviews and omg I wasn’t even following MzPriss I thought I was, oh well I am now :)
I must quote them both (i hope they don’t mind) TheTea Fairy said in here review “I initially thought this was going to be Golden Orchid on steroids!!! But it’s quite the opposite” I couldn’t agree more!
MzPriss said in her review " This tea is a lady. An elegant lady dripping with class and good taste" I also couldn’t agree more.

This Tea is surely NOT a souped up GO it is more like a relaxed GO and She surely is a Lovely Lady, a very lovely lady. This Tea even smells like a lady to me Golden Orchid smells masculine compared to Elderwood, Port may be more of a GO on steriods perhaps lol.

Thats all I can say, Read the reviews of MzPriss and TheTeaFairy, two different reviews and both perfectly Spot on,Great Job you two And Great Job Brenden too!!!!!!!!!!!


Tommy you are awesome!! I’m so happy someone else finally reviewed this one :-)
And thanks for the praises, the inspiration was easy to find!

You are so right to bring Port to the equation, it’s definitely the masculine one of the bunch. It’s like one big happy family, Port the Daddy, GO the Mummy, and Elderwood their love child ;-)


Thank you Tommy :) and I’m also glad you reviewed this. Just how lovely and refined is this tea? VERY!
@TeaF – that is one happy little family right there.


Isn’t it? And here’s one happy tea drinker!!!


And another right here

Tommy Toadman

for sure! WP family of Tea, i like that

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