OLD VERSION (2011-2014) River Rain

Tea type
Green Tea
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Jasmine, Nutty, Butter, Sweet
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Edit tea info Last updated by Whispering Pines Tea Company
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec 37 oz / 1102 ml

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From Whispering Pines Tea Company

Upgraded November 2013

Springtime in the North is beautiful. Soft morning rains fill up the Michigan rivers and you can watch the pine needles swirling around in the gentle current, listen to the migrant black-throated green warbler’s and smell the riverside wildflowers. There is a warm and pure serenity along the most remote riverbends that could create a naturalist out of a construction worker and a little piece of perfection can be found in every misty morning raindrop on the tip of your tongue.

Sweet, wild, and pure – River Rain green tea brews an incredibly sweet light cup of tea, complete with a smooth vegetal body – slightly nutty with the lightest touch of jasmine.

Every sip is worth 1000 perfect springtime raindrops.

About Whispering Pines Tea Company View company

Whispering Pines Tea Company is dedicated to bringing you the most original, pure, beautiful tea blends. We use only the highest quality ingredients available to create additive-free teas teas inspired by the pristine wilderness of Northern Michigan. Our main focus is on customer satisfaction and quality.

10 Tasting Notes

1220 tasting notes

This really truly tastes like rain, or “less salty ocean” for those of you like me who have forgotten what rain looks like and have no rivers nearby. After being corrected, yes, rain, I remember this feel.

You know how it smells when it’s just rained in a grassy area? That’s how this tastes. It’s really not grassy overall, there’s just hints of it. And the jasmine notes give it this freshness that I can’t even put into words. This is how I imagine, without any weird chemicals and the like in the air, collected rainwater that you immediately drank would taste.

It’s a very light cup, but even with just a minute it is bursting with flavor despite its physical appearance.

Second steep, +15 seconds: it’s still a very strong flavor, just like the first cup! I’d say though the one major difference is the jasmine is a lot less floral. But seriously it’s like it was never even steeped in the first place, that’s how bright the same notes are.

I can’t wait to try this one out in my gaiwan. And also have a third steep preferably much later on today, too full of tea already haha.

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec

Ooh.. I got this one and this note has made me excited to try it out :)


I LOVE the name of this tea. I would end up putting it in my shopping cart based on name alone.


@LiberTEAS – that’s pretty much why I picked it!


Oh I want to try this!


I’ll send you a bit with the macarons :) (next Monday!)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Ohhhh macarons! YUM! :D


Oh THANK YOU!!!! WOO HOOOO! :) Happy Dance!
Whispering Pines – my daughter is making them and Momo has a shop close to her so she is sending us some so we can compare how well my daughter is doing. So far my girl is learning so much through this experience and her macarons are amazing yet we are so curious to try some from a true shop! :)
Thank you again momo! xo

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1186 tasting notes

I am super impressed with my Whispering Pines teas! Haha, I’ve probably said this already :P but yeah, oh and also, I forgot to mention the hand-written note that came with my teas was a nice surprise, good customer service! I had a cup of Honeysuckle White tea by them earlier and didn’t rinse my cup, so there might be a bit of honeysuckle taste in this cup that is not normally present lol. I’ll have to write a review about that one at some point too! Anyways, onto this tea.

First off, this one has a very faint green tea scent dry, nice and light. I steeped for 1.5 minutes at 175 degree water. The steeped smell is of jasmine, fresh little buds of it. The taste is very delicate and fresh, I definitely taste a floral element, whether that is the honeysuckle adding to the jasmine from the previous cup, I’m not sure, but it is quite nice. The green tea is very light and smooth, with the slightest hint of grass. I can see how this is likened to rain in a forest or on blades of grass, it is just fresh and sweet and pure.

Overall, I am quite enjoying this cup, I am finding it quite relaxing and I love the images of a forest it evokes for me. Ahh feeling a bit Zen-like, much needed after a busy busy day at work. I will hold off rating until I try it in a clean cup to make sure the white tea isn’t messing with the flavor.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec

Oh, that sounds lovely.


It is quite a soothing tea :)

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174 tasting notes

This was a wonderful sample from Rachel!

This is a very nicely done blend. It’s lightly vegetal with notes of chestnut and wafts of jasmine. The jasmine is not strong at all, it’s delicate and very well done. This tea really does resemble its name, a light rain in a field with wild flowers with a creek flowing through it. Beautiful tea, thank you for sharing this one with me Rachel!

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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630 tasting notes

I imagine this would be pretty darn great in the springtime, particularly when it is approximately 65 degrees. Rainy, clearly. Because it is both warming but light and refreshing when it isn’t cooled.

I am enjoying it now because I am determined to work through some of my cabinet to make room for new things, and keep plugging away at whittling down the stash a bit. Lately I’ve been picking 3-4 tins and 4-5 samples to work on sipping down at once so I have variety in my day, but so I make progress on my storage challenges. I have quite a bit of this, and will enjoy it each day.

160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 160 OZ / 4731 ML

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55 tasting notes

I’m not a huge fan of jasmine, but wowser, is this a good tea! Most jasmine teas overdo it – I feel like I’m being assaulted with the flavor. This one is a solid green tea with jasmine very much present, but not overwhelming. I did six steeps in my gaiwan 20/15/20/30/45/90 at 180° and was not disappointed by any of them, though it was pretty faded by the last go-round. My wife and daughter really like jasmine pearls, so I’ll be interested to see how they react to this one.

Flavors: Jasmine, Nutty

180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 4 OZ / 130 ML

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661 tasting notes

I had a couple cups of this tea this morning. I love mao jian tea and I love jasmine but wasn’t sure the combo would work. I thought the jasmine might overpower mao jian which is perfect on it’s own. I needn’t have worried. The jasmine was so light. A barely there jasmine giving it a jasmine scent but not overpowering in taste. A very nice cup.
It went well with the heavy rains this morning and my book I’ve been reading “The Dalai Lama’s Cat.” What a fun book and there’s lots of wisdom in it too.

Flavors: Butter, Jasmine, Nutty, Sweet

1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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4330 tasting notes

Lewis & Clarke TTB

This is going to be another one of those terrible notes because I was playing Diablo III again… Oopsies. The leaves are those type that are thin and dark and partially curved into little ‘u’ shapes and loops. Dry scent was faint jasmine.

I found that this tea had a little too much jasmine for me when it was hot, I couldn’t really taste the green tea base much. As it cooled, I liked it more, but it was still very jasmine-y. Apparently I would like jasmine green teas cold brewed! :P

Flavors: Jasmine, Sweet

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Jasmine cold brewed is fantastic. And if you think something has too much jasmine, do another infusion. I find that helps, too.

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359 tasting notes

As you may know by now, I love taking tea and nature photos. I’m just a casual photographer with no special skills, but I like to capture life’s unexpected blissful moments. One morning this week, I checked out my window and this is what I saw:


The beauty in this world…simple pleasures, big rewards…such as this tea.

It’s delicate and yet so powerful. When you drink it, you are taken by its beauty.

I brewed it Laoshan Style, in a tall glass. This is reminiscent of my beloved Sleeping Bear of course, the jasmine part.

It’s fresh and floral, but not overly perfumed. The name is just right…for being in the rain and by the river quite often in my neck of the woods, I can appreciate that.

It’s so sweet and a little nutty. It’s not very grassy or herbaceous for a green tea, a thing that might appeal to non green tea lovers.

The perfect afternoon companion, while Steepstering and reading a book…


Beautiful picture!


I still can’t beleive I took a pic of Bambi!


Omg…poor thing though, I almost cried. Hope the mother did not abandon it.






Oh me too! I just thought it was cute how much it liked having its belly rubbed


So Cool! I miss living in an area where animals visited me, living in the suburbs is so not for me. Awesome photo, thank you for sharing!


Thanks guys….

and mj, no worries I’m just over sensitive, you always find cutest things :-)

Amanda, I’ve had my share of living in the big city and the suburbs, until I found my spot. hope you find yours too :-)


What a cutie! My mom lives down a dirt road, so I’m used to seeing Bambis and Thumpers, but I swear the Florida heat fries their brains and I’ve almost hit one more than once when they decide that the perfect time to jump across the dirt road is right when I’m driving by. My favorite though are the bears, they’re so. freaking. cute! especially the little cubs. Ugh, I miss the wild life, but I don’t miss the 8 legged freaks.


Now following you on Instagram.


WP, you must have your share of Bambis in your forest too :-)

mandy, I don’t have that many, that’s why I get so excited when I see one! And I loooove the bears!!! But yes, I do have to deal with the 8 legged beasts :-o

Donkeytiara, following back :-)


I swear, I only see the deer on the road, not on my actual property, so I get more excited when I see one while someone else is driving, because I’m the worst driver, and they always make my heart pound of my chest when they dart in front of me.

Especially since I actually hit a deer with a 4wheeler when it did that to me when I was younger. He ran off, and I was going slow enough that I don’t think I hurt him, but I was crying so hard that someone had to drive my 4wheeler back for me. I was devastated.


Also, followed you (;


Mandy that makes me think of The Gilmore Girls where Rory was hit by a deer while she was driving.


Oh, that’s so sad mandy…hope you didn’t get hurt, its very dangerous.

Following you back!


Marzipan it was very much like that, haha

TTF I was going 5 maybe 10 miles an hour, physically I was fine, just very scared that I hurt him


Yeah, i totally get that…I would have been been too.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I really need to start instagramming again…

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Yeah, I’m doing it. I still don’t quite have the hang of it yet, but you can follow me here http://instagram.com/whisperingpinestea :-)


Great, I’ll follow brenden…I kind of like it now that I got the hang of it myself :-)


This tasting note and all of the comments are making me think that I need to start an instagram….


I actually started only last week clint because of this:


It’s fun!


I suppose I’ll make one then! Peer pressuuuuure


Lol, Just do it!!!
Don’t forget to link us :-)


I might make one just so I can write smoochy notes to WP.


Yes, I’ll post my smoochy note there too…


I made one! Time to start following people and taking pictures! Wooo


Clint, are you paperduckins???


I heart you and your mini bambi!


Yup, I am paperduckins! I haven’t had a chance to post any pictures or anything yet though :(


No problems clint, following you ;-)

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518 tasting notes

Brenden threw in a sample of this with my recent WP order. This morning, trying to get out the door and realizing I needed more tea at work, but having no time to deal with pulling out anything and no space for anything but sample sizes, I grabbed this and hoped for the best.

It’s really good.

I love jasmine teas. I love green teas. This is a beautiful jasmine blend. It’s not too too jasmine, but it’s still definitely jasmine. Beautifully jasmine. Deliciously jasmine. Dance on my tongue jasmine.

It kept me company all morning. On the website, there are directions for 3 infusions, but I got 4 for sure. I thought about doing a fifth, except I them knocked the brew basket off my desk and decided I didn’t want to use the leaves that were now all over my cubicle carpeting again. (Other than tea, this has been my day.)

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML
Cameron B.

Aw, I’m glad you had a lovely tea to keep you company when the rest of your day wasn’t going well. Hooray for tea! <3


I’ve decided it’s a Whispering Pines Tea day, and that always makes a day better. Right now I’m on hold with the auto body shop that has had my MINI Cooper for 7 weeks as of today….. Sip sip sip. Ah, that makes me feel somewhat better.

Cameron B.

Wow, what are they doing to it that takes seven weeks?!

Go for the wee snaily yums! ;)


I don’t have the snaily yums. I’m still just learning to appreciate black teas, so I worry that the deliciousness might be lost on me. I’m working my way there.

I was in an accident on the interstate, and I decided to have some other damage fixed at the same time. They’ve gotten wrong parts in multiple times, and they’ve screwed up the new graphics they’re installing big time. (Some of the graphics had to be redone because of accident damage, so I decided to use it as an opportunity to have all new graphics done. They’ve been the same for 5-6 years now.) So I’m not a happy camper about that…but the WP oolong I’ve moved to….YUMMY!

Cameron B.

Psh, I’m definitely not a black tea expert either! I should send you some of the yums! I know, I’ll put some in the TTB for you. :) I hope you get your car back soon, and I hope it looks super snazzy with the new graphics!


You are way too sweet, Cameron. Sure! Thanks!!!

Cameron B.

Happy to share, it’s one of my favorites! :D

hippiechick 42

Sorry for the awful day. :( Happy about the tea though, I too love jasmine.

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