Hand Picked Autumn Tieguanyin (2012)

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Oolong Tea Leaves
Butter, Cut Grass, Honeysuckle, Orchid, Apricot, Bread, Cedar, Cream, Flowers, Honey, Mineral, Orchids, Berries, Fir, Grass
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 1 min, 45 sec 11 oz / 316 ml

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From Verdant Tea

"A unique and tangy batch of Gande Tieguanyin with notes of apricot and key lime pie…"

The most sought after flavor profiles in Tieguanyin tend to be creamy and floral, but on our last trip to China, our Tieguanyin expert Wang Huimin was lamenting the rarity of tangy Tieguanyin. When she was younger, more farmers were working to coax a potent tangy edge from their leaves. We asked Wang Huimin if she could find an example we could share before the floral spring harvest comes in and she was ecstatic.

This Gande village (Anxi) Tieguanyin has a rich, tangy smell like fresh-baked apricot bread. The first steepings have some of the spicy citrus notes of heicha (dark tea), complimented by creamy undertones. The initial burst of citrus leaves a sweet and cool aftertaste.

The tea really picks up in the second and third infusions with a thicker body, tangier orange notes, and a candy-like sweetness similar to key lime pie with graham cracker crust and whipped cream. In later steepings, a darker woody or nutty flavor begins to come through with fruity apple notes.

This is a departure from our usual saffron-cream orchid profile Tieguanyin from the Bi family, meant as an intriguing counterpoint to demonstrate the diversity of flavor even within a single Tieguanyin-producing village. Take the opportunity to try something different before the late spring and early summer bring back the rich florals for which Tieguanyin is so well-known.

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65 Tasting Notes

300 tasting notes

This one came in the tea of the month box that I accidentally continued after the free trial (more on that later perhaps) and so is I believe the last of the Autumn harvests Verdant got in. I really don’t remember if I order this one when it came in, I’m leaning toward not, though I certainly ordered the first Autumn harvest of 2012. From the description on Verdant’s website: http://verdanttea.com/teas/hand-picked-autumn-tieguanyin/ This is not the usual Bi Family Tieguanyin. I suppose I should have read the info included with my tea of the month club, but it came just before going out of town for a week and I only got back Sunday with a cold so…

But I noticed it was very different, first note I got was banana?! then cool candy sweetness with a tang. After reading the description I totally get apricot. This is fantastic!

On third steep. May update more but really enjoyed brewing this in the kitchen watching a grey and black squirrel chase each other through the sea of grass and dandelions while a male cardinal and robin flitted out of their way. Husband just came home so cutting this short.

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30 tasting notes

I stand in front of the kitchen sink, looking out the window. There aren’t any leaves on the trees anymore. The branches look frail and longing, like thin, sad fingers reaching for something it will never touch. It starts to get pretty gloomy in Upstate New York around this time of year. The sky turns the color of ash and everything loses its color, becomes muted against the cold snow that is about to fall. The weather gets to me a little more than most people. I start to get those “winter blues” around this time of year. It doesn’t last long but it affects me. I think this year is going to be different, though. I’m drawing my comic again (after a five year hiatus), I’m in better health and shape, and I have two new things in my life that I admire, appreciate, and am a better person for knowing them. Tea and…well. Someone who I like to share my time with…and my tea.

Its a lazy Saturday. Nothing going on. Wind pants and a hoodie. Ray LaMontagne playing in the background. Tea me.

Just a little splash of warm water and swirl for 10 seconds then discard. I let it sit with the cover closed for a bit so all those aromas dance and breathe. Open the lid and-

Oh. Wow. What is THIS. Thick and heavy wheatgrass, woods. Chocolate. Its like I’m driving past a big, open field at sunset with the windows down, red and orange and warm in the sky. I smell fresh cream, cold milk. This, right here, this is why I buy Verdant. This is why I drink tea.

I smell the leaves again after steeping for the first infusion to see the difference. The slightest hint of smoke mixed with creamy, faint dark chocolate. Its grassier, sweeter this time. Artichoke and wet spinach.

The color is a sweet, light yellow, like dry, brittle hay.

Sip. I always drink my tea too hot because I get too excited. I’ve burned my tongue and the roof of my mouth and ruined my palate for an hour or so. If my mug is steaming at all, I let it rest. Flavors start to reveal themselves when the steam subsides (to me, anyway. Others might not agree). There’s, I don’t know, there’s not a “watery” but a calming mouthfeel, like a cooling numb on my tongue. Its soft. I can’t even really put it into words…which is pathetic because I have a Masters in creative writing (money well spent, Ryan). Its almost like menthol but not at all, its sweet like sugar and smooth like the sound of cornstalk leaves whispering against each other at night. What is going on in my mouth. Its a little grassy but its so light and clean. I feel like I can taste the air where this grew.

Second infusion. That sweetness is more pronounced, in the forefront. I don’t get it. Is this umami? Am i tasting something I shouldn’t or other people don’t? If so, I don’t care. Its so nice and different. I’ve never experienced this “coating” before. There’s that campfire smoke wayyyy back there and the cocoa is fading away but my god man, that mouthfeel. Am I crazy or do other people get this? This lingering, calming sweetness that stays in your mouth like a good kiss.

Wonderful. Really, really wonderful. “Iron Goddess of Mercy” has me groveling at her feet. I’m really lucky to be experiencing this.

Ya know…there are other people who have infinite more posts/reviews on this site who readers trust and follow. I know I’m not a tea expert or master blender. I’m just some guy in Rochester, NY, staring out his kitchen window, happy that I have a new appreciation for life after it went to shit a while back. Tea is a big part of my new attitude. This website, too. And whoever reads my silly words. I’m not trying to be sappy but sometimes you just have to tell the people who affect you that they do.

So thanks Steepster, Verdant, and anyone reading. This whole experience of drinking tea, thinking about it, writing it down…appreciating it. I don’t know. It feels good to feel this good again.

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 45 sec

I wish I had written this, it’s so beautiful. I know Geoffrey, David and Lily will be glad that you are ‘in’ the tea. You ‘heard’ what the tea had to say, which is something that too few take time to do. We are accustomed to noise.
Please keep listening and writing. Thank you for your words, and the tea is worth the words you wrote.


You words are not silly at all. I find them as beautiful as your love of tea (and Verdant tea is so worth of the praise). Your review is such a pleasure to read. Write more :)


Your review is exactly what this place and its people are all about… You opened your world to us by sharing part of what this tea made you feel. I always say that beyond the «notes» description, there’s a feel to a tea, and it’s a lot harder to render with words than discovering the «cinnamon» that you’re suppose to find. I think you just did that in a beautiful manner…


I have a sudden urge to hug you. hug!

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1113 tasting notes

Dang, steepster is acting funky today. I’m enjoying this tangy TGY this morning! I sometimes forget how much I like oolongs :)


Yeah! Steepster’s really loopy today!


definitely loopy!

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3496 tasting notes

This is one of the samples I received in the special offer that Verdant posted not long ago. I am craving tea because thanks to all the peer pressure here on Steepster I have stayed up far too late watching Victoria Wood’s Nice Cup of Tea. I am trying to sip down a whole lot of samples and I am mentally ready for a big clean up of my tea shelves (again) because there is just an overwhelming amount of tea right now, and more I want to order, and some I don’t think I will drink. I have given away several boxes of tea, have one ready to go, and am putting together another for a very interesting man I met who adopted a puppy we fostered. Turns out he loves tea and drinks scads every day, yet has never really had the really good stuff.

So… On to the tea! The dry leaves are very fragrant and give a hint of the goodness to come. So far I have made only three steeps of this tea, but I will give my impression thus far. I used a little more leaf than called for and steeped a little longer, yet it is neither astringent nor bitter. It is a rather delicate tea, yet has a nice lingering floral taste. The liquor is quite pale. The front of the sip is like water that has poured over rocks in a cold mountain spring, with flowers laid over the top of that. The floral taste rises and the rock sinks and makes me want to drink more.

This is a very nice TGY. I would love to try the spring TGY someday as it is probably more to my personal preference, although I fluctuate between being enamel red of green oolongs and then roasted oolongs. Fickle!

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117 tasting notes

I cold steeped this one and… wow. It tastes clean and crisp and has the most delightful fruity aftertaste — definitely some lime, but I’m also tempted to say kiwi although I haven’t eaten one in months so I could be wrong. I think this might be one of my favorite teas now. I’d better hoard some before it disappears forever.


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143 tasting notes

PFFFFFFFFFFT!!!! My board is coming into day! I just can’t wait. GAAAAAAH!!! Work is being painfully slow and for most of my shift I am bagging. I have been so figidity you don’t even know.

I am making some of this tea to distract me from it, (not going uber well). I really like the tangyness is this one. I find non-roasted or un-aged Tieguanyin to be ok, just a little boring with mainly butter, green leaf and florals. But with this one that tang adds a whole new level to it. I would be some more if I didn’t have stuff to get through. I also recommend brewing it in 6oz of water for western style. The flavor is way stronger.


200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 30 sec

Long board skate board that I have been saving up for. This was my reaction when it came in.

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921 tasting notes

I slept for twelve hours yesterday, it seems excessive but clearly I needed it since I feel much better today and I have flipped back to being diurnal again. It is a constant struggle, I am naturally nocturnal but since I live with other people (making it hard to do things at night for fear of disturbing sleepers) I try to keep myself diurnal. Time for a tea review, another from my notebook of backlogged awesomeness.

Today’s tea is Hand Picked Autumn Tieguanyin from Verdant tea. Before I get too far into my review I should apologize, something weird happened to my camera (I have fixed it) where some of my photos were not storing on my SD card and sadly I did not notice till after my tasting was finished and I did not have more of the tea to photograph. Sadly that means no photo of the loose leaf, but I do have one of a cicada on the package. The aroma of this tea is very rich and heady mixing floral, nutty, and slightly fruity notes. The floral notes are the strongest blending orchids and lilacs with a gentle note of honey and freshly mown hay. I also detect a slight note of scupernong sweetness and as I pull the leaves away from my nose I get a really light hint of apricots.

The steeped leaves have a green aroma, like standing in a field of flowers and you can smell the aroma of broken leaves and flowers. There are also fairly strong notes of chestnut which blends very well with the notes of orchid and vegetation. Even though this is an Autumn picked Tieguanyin the aroma reminds me of high summer and makes me feel warm just thinking about it. The liquid’s aroma is mild and refreshing, mostly floral notes that are not at all heady. It reminds me of a breeze carrying in the aroma of flowers from the garden outside your window. There is also a note of chestnut at the finish.

The taste is exceptionally mild and very sweet, it is like drinking a cup of very warm honeysuckle nectar with a gentle chestnutty aftertaste. Nothing about this tea overwhelms, it feels very much so like a ‘hug in a cup’ and just soothes everything.

The aroma of the leaves used for a second steep are much richer, which makes sense since they have unfurled more. The orchid notes are headier and the chestnut notes are stronger, it is one of those teas that the steeping aroma fills an entire area rather than hiding in the cup. The liquid also is much headier while still retaining some of the mildness that the previous steep had. The taste is similar to the first cup being very smooth and sweet with strong notes of honeysuckle. The mouth feel is buttery smooth and the flavors are a little more rich with the second steeping. I like this tea a lot (but really, have I ever had a TGY that I didn’t like?) it is one that I can see myself sipping before sleep or when I want to do something relaxing because it has such a soothing quality. Someday in the future I will have to procure more of this tea and give it a Gongfu brewing review.

For blog and photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2013/12/verdant-tea-hand-picked-autumn.html

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2201 tasting notes

I forgot my cold brewed tea at home today, so I fished around my boxes for something “plain” to drink with lunch today and came out with the dregs of this one, just enough for one more cup.

Even this is two years old, it was still flavorful and delicious. Really, these oolongs are some of my favorite straight teas, even though I don’t crave them so much anymore. I’m definitely in some kind of “flavored” phase. But I am always pleased when I grab and old favorite. Maybe I should do another “tour” through my cupboard in 2015, every tea from oldest to newest, like I did at the beginning of this year.


Ooo, that’s a neat plan!


I had a lot of fun with it last year, and it got me drinking teas I had kind of forgotten about in my stash.

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286 tasting notes

This is my second floral oolong, purely through chance…I did not not realize that either of the oolongs that I have sampled would be floral.

Autumn will be upon us soon, and this tea is reminiscent of cooling autumn days, leaves changing colours, and the aromas and tastes that are reminiscent of cooler temperatures. That is to say the tea is light, crisp, mildly floral flavour that reminds one that autumn is near.

I have to thank the ever generous and delightful JustJames for sending me the sample pack from Verdant. JustJames….my apologies for the delayed review. Thank you JustJames, I do appreciate your generosity.

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464 tasting notes

The name says Autumn, but it tastes like spring greens! It tastes leafy, sweet, and almost floral. When I smell it I swear I smell just the faintest touch of jasmine, but I don’t taste it. As it cools it picks up a little butteriness. Overall it leaves the impression of fresh spring air. Very refreshing.

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