Accidental sipdown… I grabbed my final teabag, thinking it was an Earl Grey (I had them both in identical sealed pouches) and realised my mistake after I poured the boiling water over and it turned green. In my defence, it smelled citrusy! It’s a weird mixture of astringent and sour, and I don’t really taste the jasmine at all. Totally my own fault, though. I’ve been trying to sip at it for a few minutes now but each time I do it puckers my mouth up in a really not pleasant way. Think I’m gonna have to dump it…
Edit: I asked my mam to try it, expecting her reaction to the weird sour astringency to be the same as mine, but she… liked it… So the mug didn’t get dumped after all, it’s been rehomed instead. I can’t believe out of all the teas I’ve made her try, this is the one she likes?!