I wanted oolong and I wanted to use my yixing pot again. I looked at the leaves and figured it fits in with the whole green Taiwanese oolong thing I got going for it. So I was kind of surprised to see people calling this roasted and I guess right there it says baked taste, but whatever, it won’t kill the poor pot to just get anything that IS actually green right?
Since I bought a sample size, I used one of the two packets. It was actually 8 grams which was fine by me.
I did a rinse just because I felt bad for hiding away poor teapot for a month. It was nice to see him again. I guess it’s a him. I’ll just go with it. So he wanted a nice oolong bath before we got started.
So, drinking the second steep here. It has just a little bit of a baked taste to it, but considering how I have had zero luck so far with actual roasted oolongs, it tastes fine to me. It’s sweet and vegetal, before it fades into the roasted note, which reminds me of brown rice, and finishes up with a floral one.
Third steep: when I took the lid off the teapot, wowowow! It smelled like I had just baked oolong bread or something in there. While this one gets a bit more roasty, it still has floral/vegetal qualities to it, but the roasted notes are a lot stronger now. I am almost afraid to go on but I will. Because I probably just steeped it too long, since I was distracted by carrots.
Fourth steep: less toasty! Back to being very floral! I should go to bed soon but I really want to give it one more go.
Fifth steep: Not getting much else from this but floral and green, which is perfectly okay because now it tastes more like a TGY than anything else, and one steep that crossed over to the dark side (literally?) was enough for me. There is definitely enough flavor in it to keep going but it is 11:30 so it’s time to end our lovely night.