i bought this particular tea less as a tea enthusiast and more as someone with a medical condition that saps energy. so i will grade this tea two separate ways.
the energy boost: keeping it simple…. it works. for me at least. my condition makes me tired and i got no sleep the night before, but midway through my first cup i began to feel like a human being! it was very, very effective. i did have to be careful though because the energizing agent is red ginseng and it can be contraindicated with some meds. so, i checked with the pharmacist and it was a go.
the tea: is unique and well balanced. i have never had a tea like it, though i have read similar descriptions that didn’t succeed as i feel this one has.
this is an old tea. an aged puerh. heavy, rich, autumnal: all words that i would use. apricot, dandylion root, ginseng… but honestly, they blend together and become a dense, flavourful entity. it is great with cream and sugar and does exactly what it says.
i am impressed.
if you’re looking for an elegantly liquored tea with an floral bouquet, then this is not the tea for you. if you’re looking for a tea that does what it says and has a heavy flavourful presence that finishes up with tons of vanilla seeds in the bottom then you’ll love it!