Hmmmm, there was a trend to my End of the School Year Thank-you presents, a box of this tea, some extra Starbucks cards and a few DAVIDsTEA cards… Since the giftcards have to wait I raced home and ripped this tin open to steep.
I instantly love the way these little pouches smell and am releived that the Chamomile is not prominent… but we shall see after steeping. I am sure this one will taste devine iced and I will do just that tomorrow.
Hmmm, It has a heavy milky taste and that is it, I am a little put off… the licorice kicks me pretty hard as an after taste and that is about it… Not my favourite at first steep, maybe iced with a hit of agave syrup would save this tea taste wise?
We shall see, we shall see…
- sigh – This should have been called “Licorice Rooibos”! There is no vanilla! and it has cooled for a while now!
Second steep, I could smell more honey or that “sweet rooibos smell” but it was still heavily licorice… lets see if there is a successful third steeping…
I agree, starbucks tends to mess up tea.