Golden Honey Dew

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Green Rooibos, Honeydew, Marigold Flowers
Cantaloupe, Creamy, Cucumber, Honeydew, Melon, Spring Water, Sweet, Vegetal, Fruity, Honey Dew, Sugar, Green Melons, Roasted, Round, Smooth, Honey, Cream, Hay, Herbaceous, Juicy, Woody, Candy
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 45 sec 5 g 12 oz / 364 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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190 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I sent a sachet of this over to MissB and NayLynn and it seems as though they both drank it today! Dude. I only had about 2 sachets to last me two weeks and really wasn’t enough. This is my last...” Read full tasting note
  • “this is seriously one of the best rooibos teas i’ve ever had. i thought i was done with rooibos all together. but here is green lupicia rooibos proving me wrong. if you have a chance to try this...” Read full tasting note
  • “Where has this Rooibos tea been my entire tea-drinking life? THIS TEA IS AMAZINGLY GOOD. Maybe I only like green rooibos? I love the fruity melon flavor, the scent, the light mouth feel. Just about...” Read full tasting note
  • “I never thought of honeydew melons as being particularly Californian, so I was surprised when I saw “Golden Honey Dew” as one of the exclusive, California-only blends at my local Lupicia store. ...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

Caffeine-free green rooibos tea is scented with Californian honeydew melon.

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190 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

Thanks VariaTEA (188)
So, I’m an idiot. I’m completely exhausted and drank two cups of this tonight and didn’t realize that it was green rooibos. (Uhh… I can haz caffiene?) :P It’s freaking tasty though, and now I can get this AND Melon Oolong because they are actually quite different and good for different times of the day.

ETA: I’m actually REALLY a big idiot because this isn’t the tea I drank. :P Can you believe that? I drank the Ripe Mango Oolong from Kat_Maria and it was delicious and I loved it, and I KNEW that it had big leaves, so why did I think it was a green rooibos?

Anyway… move along… nothing to see here!


Is this one available?


you have to get it IN san Fran i believe… but it’s so damn good.


Why would they do that to us?


Why would they do that to us?! Gasp. I’m planning on visiting LA, not San Fran. Le sigh.

Sil give me an excuse to go back to san fran?




I think it’s a California-only blend, although I could be wrong. I’m going to grab a whack when I’m there in a few months, and am happy to send some along to anyone else who wants some.


YES. Such an awesome enabler.


It’s a San Franciscan blend, so you can only get it in their three locations in SF.
I live in SoCal for uni BUT home is in the suburbs around SF so I can easily ask my parents to run into the City and purchase a couple packages of this tea :)

If anyone wants, I’m totally up for sending a wee 4-5g sample of this tea since it is my absolute favourite tea in the entire world :)

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85 tasting notes

I love this tea. I drink it iced with no sugar. It is refreshing and can be used any time of the day, because it is caffeine free. I drove to San Francisco just to buy this tea. It is a Bay Area exclusive and is only offered online once in awhile.

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270 tasting notes

Thanks to TeaNTees I have another sample of this. Thank you! I keep planning a Lupicia order but then the responsibilities of adult life take precedence.


Yay! I’m so glad they have arrived safely! :)

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15575 tasting notes

ZOMG YES PLEASE! Seriously. someone go buy me 3 tins of this please. thanks.

This one was sent to me by the lovely jump62359 and i have been smelling it in my house since i opened the package yesterday. I have eked out every last bit of delicious steepings of this one because it’s good. like really good. like oh hey there melon…get in my mouth. woah, guess that could be taken the wrong way snicker but really? as a caffeine free option that tastes like DELICIOUS…i am all in…totally on board. need more. like yesterday.


See! Isn’t it delicious?!


yessssssssssss….my precious….


It resteeps well too! Sucks that you can’t get it unless you are in San Fran. My dad is in the right state but alas, not the right city, otherwise I would be makign him go get me more of this.


Oh gosh. I promise, next time I’m in the city, I’ll just buy buttloads of this tea and send it to all of you!


Their melon flavouring seems spot on cause I just had melon oolong and I also want my 3 tins ;-)


This one is wishlisted for me…


I resteeped the crap out of hit his one hahaha and still have enough for another sil cup heh


Everyone email the company and demand they sell it online.

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618 tasting notes

I’m very excited, but also worried to be trying this tea. The reason is… well, I love rooibos and I love honeydew melon and this tea is only available for purchase in store. I don’t have a Lupicia anywhere near me, so I may just be stuck pining for this tea after I try it. Oh, it smells so sweet and juicy!

Sipping… this is very nice! It starts out very mellow — a tiny bit of earthy green rooibos mixed with a sweet, juicy melon. It reminds me of some kind of a cactus fruit… sweet, prickly and a sparkling. The flavor sort of blooms on the tongue while still remaining soft. I find that I get the most melon flavor when I sort of gulp the tea down since it’s so delicate. It’s just … juicy, light and yummy! Yes, this is definitely one of my top rooibos teas. I want pounds upon pounds of this tea. I’ll have to find some way to have someone purchase this tea for me in store… I don’t know anyone in California, though! It’s just so lovely. Thank you a million times over, jump62359, for sharing some with me!


Even if there was a Lupicia near you, they only sell this in San Francisco! Why? I have no idea :/ It’s a pain in the butt, I know. My favourite tea and it’s a 7 hour drive away :/
But next time I’m in the city, I’ll probably buy like tons of this tea haha. I purchased about 3 packages last time and I’m already halfway through the last one!



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103 tasting notes

SO GOOD. I only had 1 tea bag, and I know we can’t get this online, so I steeped it about 5 times this weekend. It’s heavenly. So is the weather. Everything else, meh. But I’m running again, and after my boring test tomorrow I don’t have to study insurance for awhile, and I’m all caught up on Hannibal. So not everything.

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7 tasting notes

Tastes and smells like honeydew. Definitely a favorite, and everyone I have gotten to try and smell it think it’s absolutely amazing.

Flavors: Honeydew

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 45 sec 4 g 8 OZ / 240 ML

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333 tasting notes

This tastes JUST like honeydew. The green rooibos hardly comes through, especially when steeped cold. Really exceptional for a rooibos blend. Usually I’m not so crazy about melon-flavored teas—I like melon well enough, but there are lots of fruit flavors I’m more drawn to—but, given that I don’t often find caffeine-free options to get enthused about, I think there’d definitely be a place for this in my stash. It’s too bad this one isn’t available online, and, as others have mentioned, I’m puzzled as to what’s so extra specially Californian about honeydew—do they even grow in CA?

Anyway, I tried it hot and cold-steeped, and I preferred it cold—although it wasn’t bad hot, warm melon is just a hard thing for me to wrap my head around. Thanks very much for letting me try this one, Dustin!

P.S. Does anyone know if this is available in all of the California stores, vs. just the Bay Area ones?

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6444 tasting notes

Of course this tastes good cold brewed. This tea can do no wrong. Seriously, hot or cold, it is pure melon goodness. Thank you jump62359 for bringing this tea to my attention and then supplying me with such a generous amount. You are AMAZING!!!


I still remember jump62359 first bringing this to my attention and if watching various steepsters try it and go nuts for it makes me happy, I can only imagine how she’s feeling! So rad. Hope I get to try some one day.


Not gunna lie, I definitely stalk the Golden Honey Dew page pretty often because I freakin love this tea. And the fact that you can get it in only one place (technically three places within one city haha), it makes it super easy to read through all the notes :)
So so incredibly happy that the people I’ve sent it to has enjoyed it very much! It’s bittersweet, in a way. Sweet that people love the tea, bitter because it’s obviously hard to get :/


Memily, I’d definitely offer to send you a sample, but I don’t know how much it’ll cost to send to Australia :/ next time I visit the post office, I’ll make sure to ask! If it’s in my budget, I’ll probably send a small sample your way :)


It looks great, and I’m sure this is on my wishlist.

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155 tasting notes

This was a special offering from jump62359 in the Teeny Traveling Tea Box. You will see on my profile that I’m not exactly a rooibos fan. I don’t usually like flavored teas much and I especially don’t usually like fruity tea. I had no idea that I would actually like this. Apparently green rooibos is good. This tastes just exactly like honeydew melon. It is pale and pretty and tastes juicy and just happy. This would be a PERFECT bedtime tea for sweet dreams. It is unfortunate you can only get this by walking into a store in California or I would actually go buy this. I know. I’m as surprised as anyone.

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