Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
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Bitter, Grass, Green, Green Wood, Dry Grass, Tangy
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195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec 2 g 41 oz / 1201 ml

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From Lipton

A delicate tea with an alluring aroma and a clean, crisp taste.

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It's Lipton,. They're pretty big.

17 Tasting Notes

357 tasting notes

I had this again at my friend’s house. It does the trick, but I wouldn’t buy it for myself. Sure, it’s convenient, but it tastes…blah. It leans a tad on the bitter side, even with a cooler water temperature and a shorter steeping time. Beyond convenience it’s really not for me.


Yeah. When at work or a business appointment I usually get something similar to this. It’s always a letdown. :-(


Yes, I think of it as a “it’ll do” tea

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16950 tasting notes

Sipdown (97)!

Update on the Tre nesting thing: His casual fuck buddy was coming over which is why he was being a douche about the house being “messy”. Also, she was being creepy and hell while we were watching the new episode of Jane The Virgin. She was at a friend’s who lives on our block too and she kept texting him saying she was staring at our window.

Update on the Transit Lockout: It is over! Bus service resumed today, and the city is offering free transit services for the rest of October to help compensate for the lack of service we’ve had for the last month or so. The lockout ended not because an agreement was reached but because the arbitrator they brought in discovered that the whole lockout was unlawful to begin with. Apparently the city failed to meet the legal guidelines surrounding proper notice – and so it was ended, and the drivers who missed out on over a month of pay will have to be compensated.

Update on the sore teeth: The only reason I’ve kept this tea around so long is ‘cause it’s supposedly good for putting over sore teeth; the tannins help ease the pain or something. It’s been awhile since I did the research. So I’ve been trying to do that, but it hasn’t been helpful so I’m just throwing out the last few bags since I don’t drink this anyway.


Yay for transit lockout being over!

Tre needs to understand one does not clean for a casual fuck buddy. Also, casual fuck buddy should not be texting about things like staring at the window. That’s crossing casual fuck buddy lines.


Sorry for the drive-by comment, but Cheri, this made me giggle. :D


Yay buses! And I totally agree with Cheri. :D

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189 tasting notes

Aroma when Dry: sour, grassy
After water is first poured: nutty, powdery
At end of steep: grassy, buttery
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: med green
Staple? Type yes, would not use brand again
Preferred time of day: any
At first: bitter, harsh, grassy
As it cools? Gets less harsh, grassy, slightly creamy, then bitter note closes
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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5 tasting notes

Used this guy to compose my Kombucha blend only. I don’t really like this one, although grassy, which is a good note, tastes too bitter for my taste.

Flavors: Bitter, Grass, Green, Green Wood

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 2 tsp 200 OZ / 5914 ML

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695 tasting notes

My wife ordered this for me at a Venezuelan restaurant. It was a “lemon tea” which I got with no sugar (though it still tasted sweet so I’m wondering if the lemon was lemonade mix.) The base was Lipton green.

All I know is, it was refreshing on a hot Florida day with lunch!

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1 tasting notes

Standard. A good go-to if you need your fix, and cheap for the amount. But, as with everything, you get what you pay for.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 295 ML

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14 tasting notes

Plain, boring, green tea. Which is exactly what I was looking for. Sure it’s not as high quality as other teas, especially loose leaf, but it’s cheap and convenient. It does get a bit metallic-y if you over steep it, but I don’t mind that.

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36 tasting notes

Maybe this isn’t fair to this tea but ah well such is life. When I first had a cup of this I thought it was pretty decent. But over the weekend I had my high quality sencha loose leaf and then came back to this with completely different feelings. I always compare this tea with Bigelow Green as they seem to be on a similar playing field. I would say I now prefer Bigelow green over this. Reason being I’m detecting some not so great side tastes in the Lipton now and an odd after taste. Yes Bigelow is more bland tasting but it doesn’t seem to have the odd aftertaste or side tastes Lipton has been giving me.

Donating this to the tea cache in the work break room ;-)

1 min, 30 sec

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1 tasting notes

Maybe I just don’t like Lipton, because this green tea is really awful. It’s cheap tasting, and a shorter steeper time isn’t even close. Even dabbing it in for a couple of seconds can lead to a bitter and sour cup. I like “pure green tea” so I naturally don’t put any additives, but this truly is just bad and cheap tea. Have to finish it before I get a new one…

0 min, 15 sec

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8 tasting notes

I guess this is just an “alright” tea for me, it’s forgettable and tastes like “cheap” green tea. Be careful of over-steeping, it gets bitter really quickly

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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