French Breakfast

Tea type
Black Tea
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Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 9 oz / 266 ml

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51 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Having a little post-lunch tea. This smells lovely – a little spicy, sweet and almost honeyed. I’m really enjoying smelling it while I let it cool. There’s another note in it that I can’t quite...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was ok. Not bad at all, especially not for a Ceylon, but not remarkable either. It is quite smooth and relatively gentle as Ceylon goes, with less of the woody drying element many have, but...” Read full tasting note
  • “Since I ran out of Sinharaja, this tea has been my go to tea for the mornings. This is a mild, tea with no bite. It does not take milk well…so I was thrilled when my hubby gave me a $25 gift...” Read full tasting note
  • “I had a feeling that I wanted straight, unadulterated tea this morning. So I rooted through the glorious Golden Moon sampler and came out with this French Breakfast. From what the packaging says,...” Read full tasting note

From Golden Moon Tea

Our French Breakfast is an estate loose leaf tea from the high mountain region of Ceylon. With its long, wiry leaves, it produces a smooth amber cup.

This exquisite black tea has a subtle, honey-like flavor, making it perfect for breakfast or with a sweet afternoon pastry.

About Golden Moon Tea View company

Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body, complexity, and above all, flavor.

51 Tasting Notes

911 tasting notes

Having a little post-lunch tea. This smells lovely – a little spicy, sweet and almost honeyed. I’m really enjoying smelling it while I let it cool. There’s another note in it that I can’t quite place. Figs maybe? Don’t know. Smells good.

Okay, so I just finished a big ole Cara Cara orange so I don’t know if that will affect what I’m tasting any but maybe. The tea tastes soft, but with a hint of astringency at the end that made me happy that I decided to do 3 minutes instead of 4. The flavors are fairly faint (a trade-off that I’ll accept for the lower astringency) but they are there, subtle and pretty. Sweet, maybe a little fruity, maybe a little floral. Mostly there’s the taste of tea with pretty little puffs of something dancing over top. Then the astringency comes in a kills the pretty but fortunately it isn’t strong enough to put me off though I’m contemplating a sprinkle of sugar. Okay, out of sugar so guess I won’t give that a try.

I’m not in love with this tea because of the ending astringency – that sort of thing really gets to me – but it has potential. I should have enough in my sample for another small cup so I think I’ll give it a shot later at maybe 4mins with milk and a little sugar and see how that goes.


Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Auggy, I love the imagery of pretty little puffs of flavor :)


Yay – thanks! Sometimes I feel a little crack mad with how I describe things, but that’s the only thing I could think of! I’m pretty visual so I tend to picture the teas as I taste them. It ends up for some weirdness when I’m trying to describe what I get from it!


No, I love your reviews! When I read them, I can tell exactly what you mean sometimes, and I usually end up going “oh yeah, that’s how I’d describe that flavor/sensation I couldn’t place! Thanks Auggy’s-super-smart-brain!” :)


Whee! That makes me squee like a little girl.
See? :D


Second the loving of your reviews.

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612 tasting notes

This was ok. Not bad at all, especially not for a Ceylon, but not remarkable either. It is quite smooth and relatively gentle as Ceylon goes, with less of the woody drying element many have, but it doesn’t have the deep intense flavor I crave for a morning tea (it’s “too refined” for breakfast if that makes sense). I’d be more likely to appreciate it in the afternoon as a pick-me-up than first thing in the morning. It actually tastes better as it cools; I had a couple sips leftover in my second mug this morning that got nearly cold and they were actually quite tasty with a natural sweetness.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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305 tasting notes

Since I ran out of Sinharaja, this tea has been my go to tea for the mornings. This is a mild, tea with no bite. It does not take milk well…so I was thrilled when my hubby gave me a $25 gift certificate to purchase tea!!! This is the BEST gift…I ordered Sinharaja and the two teas from Harney that were on my shopping list:) Florence and Vanilla Comoro


Let me know when those come in and I’ll bring my half of the cash…as long as you’re still willing to part with some of the loot…


I will let you know when they arrive and be sure to bring your empty teavana


I’m almost out of Sinharaja as well! Nooooo! It’s okay, I have English Breakfast from GM as a backup. And I just oredered from Harney! Florence + Vanilla…. I added the wrong item into my cart… it was suppose to be a tin of Vanilla Comoro! Not Vanilla! Argh…


Don’t you just love Sinharaja?! I thought I could do without it, but soon discovered that I missed it in the mornings.I can hardly wait to get my Harney order. I have read so many great reviews on both teas. Let me know about that vanilla, I have yet to find a good vanilla tea.


I do I do! Do you want me to send you some vanilla tea? I have a four ounce tin. I don’t think I can finish it all.


That would be awesome and very nice of you:)


Send me a PM with your shipping info so I can send some your way :)


I’ll bring the teavana tin back. I can move the oolong into another tin if I still have some at that point.

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187 tasting notes

I had a feeling that I wanted straight, unadulterated tea this morning. So I rooted through the glorious Golden Moon sampler and came out with this French Breakfast. From what the packaging says, it’s an estate Ceylon, which I found quite interesting. I like Ceylon, but I usually think it’s better suited for blending instead of as a stand-alone.

The dry leaves smell like… black tea. That earthy aroma that just screams “default!” to me. They’re fairly small and wiry, so if you’re expecting a show in your teapot, don’t put this one in. This one brews up to be a very pretty red/copper color, quite typical of the Ceylon varietal but still very yummy looking. I can detect a slight sweetness in the smell, but other than that, it smells like… Ceylon. As do the wet leaves.

I have a fairly difficult time describing Ceylon. The word I usually use is “smooth.” I think if you want to start someone out on black teas and don’t know where to begin, Ceylon would be an excellent choice. It’s familiar, in that it tastes like a WAY higher quality Lipton (and I’m pretty sure their normal teabags are Ceylon dust/fannings). It’s pretty much a baseline tea. As a result, I’m never completely blown away by it – it’s not surprising, but it is comfortingly familiar. Like that old sweater you don’t wear as often, but still keep around just because on cold winter days it feels good to snuggle down with.

I actually found that when I stopped sipping the tea and went off to do something else, the flavor actually subtly expanded to include that elusive honey-like note Golden Moon describes in their tasting notes. It’s a sweetness that doesn’t usually come out particularly strong in black teas, so that was a welcome surprise.

Something like this French Breakfast would be a great daily drinker. While I definitely prefer something with a bit more complexity and oomph to it, this one is smooth and entirely sippable.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

“That earthy aroma that just screams “default!” to me”
That cracked me up. <3


Makes me want a crepe.:)


This almost perfectly describes my last few days. I’ve needed black tea to get by, but with most of my current black teas being rather standard fare, there are only so many ways I can describe similar flavors with different variations in strength for each note!

Rex Barrett

I like smooth and sippable, but have been in the mood for complex and dark lately. Maybe it’s the unusually cold weather we’re having. :)


Haha, see! It was a very standard cup of tea. Nothing compares to GM’s English Breakfast for complexity. I mean a mixture of four different kinds of tea!?!

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15575 tasting notes

Ew not a fan of this one. Too much astringency. Left a funny taste in my mouth as well. oh well another tea down off the 12938714876723642374734873248729387429837432877 types out there heh :)


Is that all? Heheh. My hubby always looks really startled when I tell him I don’t have some certain kind of tea! If he only knew how many there really are!


Lol :)

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1220 tasting notes

I haven’t slept at all. Just when I thought I was going to get some sleep, one of the two female test drivers in Formula 1 was in a freak accident, the car hit the transport truck while she was driving. And a witness said the helmet took the brunt of the impact, ambulance services say life-threatening injuries and I am trying to keep myself calm by drinking this but it just feels like it’s going to come back up.

I’m not really religious but if you are, please say a prayer for Maria de Villota, or at least keep her in your thoughts that she will be okay. All I can think about is how Dan Wheldon died in a freak accident last year and I’m just terrified.

The tea though, it’s helped ease things a bit. At this point it’s just something to comfort my nerves, but it’s pretty good anyway. I’ve never been much of a Ceylon fan but I could see myself drinking this every so often. Its smooth, there’s a little bit of a honey taste, but it just doesn’t stand out like other black teas do. But when you need tea for the sake of tea, this is a real winner.


sending the best healthy vibes to your friend, she will pull through!


sorry to hear that, I hope everything turns out ok. :(


I believe in God and in prayer. I pray that the love of God and this community will strengthen you too!


The last anyone’s updated, she’s at the hospital and conscious so hopefully she is okay. It was the first time she even was getting to drive the car (in Formula 1 you need a superlicense to drive during practice and she doesn’t have one yet, so testing is all she can do) and after one test this happened. It just scared me so much since she is definitely one of my heroes and I want to see her do really well in a male-dominated sport.


I hope she’ll be ok and up to the race track soon enough, sending good vibes…Always inspiring to see women make it in a man only discipline.

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185 tasting notes

We’re slowly making progress through all these samples, woo!

For a straight black tea, this is very, very light and sweet. There is some honey flavor to it, but nowhere near the flavor that I associate with the Sinharaja from Golden Moon. This one is much… well… less of everything. Less flavor, less sweet, less worth buying again, methinks.

It’s not bad, really. It’s just not… striking. And it is a bit spendy for a middle of the road tea.

Caesar gives thumbs down.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Awe hail caesar, this is caesar salad!

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259 tasting notes

Golden Moon Tea Sampler #3: Picked at random

This is a good tea. I liked it but I also acknowledge that I’ve become a bit spoiled. If I had tasted this 6 months ago I would have assigned it 100 points and would have pledged to drink it every day. At this point, I need to start my day with a Lapsang Souchong and then move on to a nice strong black tea. This could be one of them, but it just didn’t “pop” in my mouth in the way that Keemuns, Yunnans, and Darjeelings do.

I think this is a good tea but I know my test for a great tea (for me): having a severe anxiety attack because I don’t have more in stock and feeling a need to run and order it. I won’t do that with this one but I wish it well.


Starting with a Lapsang seems too strong to me! I would want to build up to it. Then again, I always start strong (though rarely that strong) and work to greens or whites later in the day.


Oh, I know just what you mean. It’s almost sad because French Breakfast is so nice, but it’s not quite as memorable as a lapsang souchong (or for me, Jackee Muntz).


I love starting off a day with Lapsang! I read somewhere that a good LS tastes like coffee smells and that’s what got me to try it in the first place. :)


I picked my random GM sampler tea for tomorrow already and guess what? It’s the Lapsang.

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564 tasting notes

Sample sipdown! (133) Smells very nice as before, sweet and mellow. Again I don’t think I’d buy it—Ceylon is a nice, smooth tea but a little boring on its own for me—but it’s a nice cup I’m having no trouble getting through. I do like how mild it is compared to other breakfast teas!

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212 tasting notes

We are almost done with our samples! We have three left. I want to wait to try one for a bit.

This is very smooth. Definitely sweet with a honey like flavor. I think it makes a better afternoon tea for me. When I need some thing to wake me up with, I need a bit more bite, a tea that will insist that I perk up immediately. This is good but nothing really calling out to me.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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