I got this one as a sample when I ordered online. I wasn’t particularly attracted to the name, but then I opened the small bag and the smell melted my heart. It smells so nice and the fruit looks so cute I want to eat them!
Obsviously I took a small bite of one of the fruit… and then I quickly poured some water over it to avoid eating it all ! The smell of the liquid is way less appealing, but we’ll see…
First sip… of course I burnt my tongue ! But I really like it. The taste is much more similar to the smell of the dry fruit than the smell of the liquid. I must say I don’t think I’ve ever had any figgy pudding so I can’t really compare, but this does remind me of fruit cake. I get cranberry, dates, cloves. It’s sweet, it’s nice, I’m happy I’ve tried it and might even buy some more if I get the chance before the winter’s collection’s gone.
And now I’m off eating the fruit ! :)