Jungle Ju Ju is a pretty unique tea of David’s. It is one of their only herbal teas with caffeine, in fact it’s a stimulant, something you’d expect out a maté tea, not a herbal. It’s also not something I’ll be drinking casually, Jungle Ju Ju will be kept for special occasions (Primarily late at night when I should be asleep, but I need a boost for whatever reason.)
Right away you’ll notice that before steeping, Jungle Ju Ju has a very distinct smell. It’s almost overwhelming, the guyausa coming across very strongly, with hints of peach and papaya too. Unfortunately this smell changes after steeping into something a bit unpleasant, not a deal breaker, but it would have been nice if Jungle Ju Ju preserved it’s aroma through steeping.
Jungle Ju Ju has a pretty sweet taste to it, you can definitely taste the peach and papaya. The guayusa balances it the sweetness out. I’m not a huge fan of peach and papaya, so overall I can’t love Jungle Ju Ju like many people seem to do, but it’s easy to recommend if you’re a fan of fruity teas, and need lots of caffeine to start your day.